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How’s your hangover? Ours is still kicking and we’re confident it will see us through the rest of the week. This past Saturday was the 2016 White House Correspondents’ Dinner, but the partying started well before the weekend and Sunday hangovers were nursed with more booze and brunch. It was the eighth and final …

Are you going to the 20 year anniversary party for Yahoo! in DC next Tuesday, May 19th? Because we are.

Oliver Knox made our Monday a little better with this in-depth look at presidential campaign souvenirs over on Yahoo! Politics. In 2008, the Obama campaign “bought all of the American-made, union-made navy T-shirts. Like, all of them. In America,” the aide explained. In 2012, one of the hottest items was …

A brave cartographer mapped out the entire internet. Yes, Tumblr is in the Hipster sea, Anonymous has their own island, there’s a Stalking Straight (guess what that’s nearby) and Google has a land of indexes. You can’t out-geek this guy. Pretty amusing and worth close observation with above link. h/t …

Republican nerds everywhere are wetting their pants over this.