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FAMOUS FORECAST It’s shaping up to be a fantastic day with the temperatures getting up to 51 degrees and the sunshine making an afternoon appearance. The later hours are gettinginto the low 30’s so be sure to bundle up when hitting up your Wednesday happy hour. WHAT YOU NEED TO …

Fury is the “This is why we can’t nice things” of war movies. Taking realism to a whole new level, Fury, in an extremely violent fashion, blitzkriegs its themes directly through your Belgium, not giving a damn how you feel or its effect on you. With a damn good cast that includes the marginally attractive actor Brad Pitt and Optimums Prime-groupie Shia LaBeouf, Fury addresses not only the amazing horrors that man is willing to inflict upon his fellow man, but also what man must do to himself to be able to inflict those horrors. The tanks battles are a wonder to watch. The acting…well, it gets the job done. It runs 2 hours and 15min, but you wouldn’t know that while sitting there. The story is fast moving, forces you to care about the character’s fates, and does a hell of a job during the final battle. Go see it, but prepare yourself for some serious violence beforehand. This is not for the faint of heart.

Mike Lurie made a series of subtle cinemagraphs of familiar sights around Washington, DC. The slight movements and occasional person-free point of view is both haunting and calming. You’ll have to hone your Where’s Waldo skills to find what’s moving in at least one of these. Take a deep breath, …

Every 90 seconds, another World War II veteran passes away. Time is running out to say thanks. Watch, honor, #DoMore: presents “Ryan’s Story” — the first short video in our series to honor living World War II veterans, leading up to the premiere of the feature film Honor Flight. …

WWII Vets with Honor Flight walked through a cheering crowd at Reagan National on May 23.

In honor of May being Military Appreciation month. The WWII Memorial, by Mike Lurie