Posts Tagged

white house

Bill and Hillary Push Clinton/Obama Ticket

Jack Nicholson schleps for Hillary

JoMa: The RNC hasn’t come out and gotten behind McCain yet….

Mary Katharine Ham: The NYT Goes Capitalist Pig

Amie Parnes: Follow the leader? Not necessarily….

Not Waiting: Hillary Clinton times her speech to pre-empt Obama’s Ambinder: Networks Interrupt Clinton For Obama      Ouch.

Real ‘Work’? Clinton Swipes at Chelsea’s Profession

The Fix: Pining for JFK? From the very start of his campaign, Sen. Barack Obama (Ill.) has sought to draw parallels, subtle and not-so-subtle, between his candidacy and that of Kennedy. The similarities are real: both men had spent a relatively short time in public life before running for national …

Roger Simon: Clinton targets Obama’s PLEDGED delegates

RNC Outlines Obama Attack Plan Focusing on Barack Obama’s “inexperience” and “undisciplined messaging” are two ways to ensure that the senator from Illinois doesn’t get to be president, according to honchos at the Republican National Committee.

Obama “Swept Through The Chesapeake And Over The Potomac” .

Frank James:  Could Obama be Colin Powell’s choice? CNN Video: Powell undecided on candidates AFP: Colin Powell hints he may vote against Republicans AP: Colin Powell Advises Barack Obama on Foreign Policy (6/11/07)