Posts Tagged
weekend events

5/25 Friday Round Up: We’ve updated our Party Policy
#Update Dear FamousDC readers, FamousDC has always attached great importance to privacy and personal data protection. With the implementation of the new European standards introduced by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we are improving our party schedule for the fall. We want these events to be easily understood, transparent and most …

Friday Round Up
Weather: Prepare yourself for the monsoon that is about to hit the district. 100% chance of downpours all day Saturday and Sunday with temperatures in the 60’s. That rain gear is getting put to good use this spring. Awesome events you can attend this weekend: It’s all about the beer. Hit up …
Weekend Picks: Hot Hot Heat
It’s hot, we know. But remember that one time you were stuck in DC’s coldest winter of the last 120 years and were wailing about whether you’d ever be warm again? Welcome to summer! But because we’re sympathetic we’ve rounded up some weekend activities with a range of outdoor AND AC enclosed events.
Weekend Picks: Welcome to February
Don’t settle in for a long winter’s nap, get out and go see these cool things this weekend. Phillips After 5, punk fundraiser concerts, drones &&& more – your ultimate first February weekend has arrived.