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We here at FDC are done with this whole “run FamousDC for fun” thing. We’ve decided to run for Congress. You see, we always thought being a Member of Congress involved never ending fund raising, weekly air travel in coach and lots of kissing babies. Instead it looks like you …

You’ll need to start wrapping up your really important conversations around 3:30 a.m. during inauguration week. WaPo: Inaugural ‘Last Call’ Moved Up D.C. bars and nightclubs will be allowed to serve alcohol until 4 a.m., not 5 a.m., during inauguration week after the D.C. Council voted last night to modestly …

We knew both sides were getting fired up, but we never knew it would come to this. Roll Call: Police Investigate Longworth Cafeteria Break-In Capitol Police are investigating a break-in Friday night in the Longworth House Office Building. … Police officials declined to release details, citing an ongoing investigation. Just …

The FamousDC Spinster of the Week Award goes to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice: In an interview, Sec/State Condoleezza Rice described the “shoe incident” as “a kind of sign of the freedom that people feel in Iraq” (AP). Hat tip – Nora and Last Call!

Suddenly, renting your place for $1,000 per night for the Obama Inauguration doesn’t seem so far-fetched. Heck, that could be a bargain. Pete Yost: Obama committee offers inauguration package at $50,000 The inauguration committee of President-elect Barack Obama, who vowed to change the way business is done in Washington, is …

Ron-bon threw a X-mas party for the FamousDC community … Rahm is talking himself into ILL corners – from bathrooms! … DC is most ready for the HDTV change … Cabinet lobbying still ongoing … Someone torched Palin’s AK church … It is December, time for a Redskins melt down …

Office party [ruined] Affluent [burbs] Nirvana [baby]

Desperate or Awesome? [you decide] Pathfinder [cool whip] Umbrella [etiquette] Twitter [followers] Stay sane [guide]

I got my ass whooped this week by a girl.  The playoffs are not going well for me. I’m going to touch on a few more games than I usually do because they are becoming so important this late in the season… for some teams. Let’s go…

Skins [donezo] Yule [be sorry] Chickens [roost] Bail Out [big three] Global [chameleon] Happy Hour [senatized] Courtroom Drawing [best]

**TONIGHT! [union jack’s] Peace [Mt. Pleasant] Recession [party!] Fleecing [dems] Wii [danger] Singles [DC] Cat [bath]

Alright so we know 3-4 million people are heading to D.C. for Obama’s Inauguration. There will be road closings, parties, balls, and the bars will be open 24/7 New Orleans style. Which parties should you attend? Where is the best place to watch the festivities AND stay warm? FamousDC editors …

Presidential [documents] Campaign ads [history] Crazy [oddly enough] Chatty [journalists]

If you watched MSNBC yesterday for more than 20 seconds, you realized that a lot of folks were spittin’ mad because Gov. Bill Richardson was dealt the short-end of the administration stick.  Instead of being tapped Secretary of State, like some people had hoped he would be, he was named …

Sugar Daddy [economics] Missed [mad dc cabbie] Romcoms [little time] Phone call [pirates] Cabinet Maker [CQ] Business 101 [costly]