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NBC Sports: Obama says he’ll push for eight-team playoff [11/15/08] "I’m going to throw my weight around. I think it’s the right thing to do," said President-Elect Barack Obama US News: BCS Coordinator: Sorry President-Elect Obama, No College Football Playoffs Here [11/19/08] "For now, our constituencies—and I know he understands …

While our former Mayor [who used to have an unhealthy obsession with crack], gets arrested for stalking, some people continue to complain about MTV bringing the "Real World" to DC – as if this show’s short stop in the Nation’s Capital will be the city’s legacy for the rest of …

4th of July [weekend reading ] Losing Gov’t $$ [interns ] W Hotel [DC on a Dime ] Coffee Cake [flirting ]

Jarrett thinks so. Stet Sports Blog: Five Reasons Why the Detroit Lions Are in Better Shape Than the Washington NFL Franchise 5. Threshold of Expectations 4. Happy People 3. The Hunger for More 2. The Washington Post Lives 1. Tailgating is welcomed at Ford Field

This feels like having a senior thesis proven 100% right . FisbowlDC: Tweet du Jour: Ana Marie Cox is Not Famous. Okay, Maybe Just a Little… Yesterday on Twitter, Air America’s Ana Marie Cox defined her celebrity via "tweet" for a new follower. @chiras56 asks: @anamariecox are you someone famous?? …

On our way to pick up a spinach and feta pizza at Whole Foods (don’t judge), we passed an Iranian peace protest marching towards Embassy Row. We snapped a quick photo as they were walking in front of the Vice President’s Residence: It is pretty dang cool to live in …

We’ve all been there before. It’s late. You’ve been out. You’ve had a great time with your friends. But you’re STARVING! What to do? Luckily for everyone, DC on a Dime has our back. DC on a Dime: DC Late Night Eat Spots Bistro Francais (Georgetown) Five Guys Hamburgers (Georgetown) …

Video courtesy of C-SPAN: President Obama was the keynote speaker at the 2009 Radio and TV Correspondents’ Dinner. Presidents traditionally poke fun at themselves, their administration and the journalists who cover Washington. This video includes President Obama’s entire remarks from the dinner.

***FREE BOOK*** The first 3 people at Saturday’s book party who say FamousDC sent them get a free copy. You’ve read the Ryan Grim Famous 5 interview . You’ll (hopefully) buy the book . Now you can attend the book launch: When: Saturday, June 20th at 8:00 p.m. Where: American …

New York Post’s Kyle Smith: Life Inside the Media Bubbles "In this town," Fox News’ Bill Sammon said yesterday of DC, "everything is political." Town? Try nation.

Stonewall Democrats [Joel ] Freelancing [DC metro ] Real World [DC ] Photo [tips ]

13 Most Awesome [Bruno ] Tonight Show [Obama ] Career [Family ] POTUS [3 wolf ] Pirates [lasers ]

Something on your mind? Need to Rant? Email [email protected] Rantworthy: Open Letter to the Airline Industry Dear Airline Industry, It’s been a while since we talked and I’d like to address a few issues with you if you’ll take time out of your busy schedule of practicing the hammer throw …

Hotline on Call: Double Duty: Crider To Pelosi (June 3, 2009) Speaker Nancy Pelosi has named Jennifer Crider , until recently DCCC comm. dir., her political dir. Crider will be responsible for political communications and strategy work on behalf of members and House candidates, according to a release. FamousDC: DCCC: …