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Thursday Grind
IT’S A BEAUTIFUL DAY TO RISE AND GRIND COFFEE QUOTE THURSDAY JAM Brought to you by Bryant Row. We’ve received hundreds of emails, letters, and phone calls from loyal readers all asking the same thing: “What’s the secret formula to your ‘Song of the Day’ selections?” Against our better judgement, we’re going to tell …

It’s Better to Be Single in DC on Valentine’s Day
So you’re single this Valentine’s Day? Most District dwellers are. It turns out that more than 50% of adults living in D.C. are single, according to data from a recent Martin Prosperity Institute study. With an abundance of events curated for the unattached-only crowd, D.C. tops the list of great …

DC Students Take On New Hampshire
Carrie Giddins Pergram, founder of GiddyUp! Communications and American University Communications Professor, brought a handful of her students to experience the primary election in Manchester, New Hampshire earlier this week. We are used to seeing the political mayhem unfold through the lenses of nationally renowned news outlets like Fox and NBC, but …

The NPF Celebrates 40 Years of Esteemed Journalism This Thursday
The National Press Foundation will host its 40th Annual Awards Dinner this Thursday and celebrate a landmark anniversary. NPF, led by veteran journalist Sandy Johnson, has offered free professional development to journalists since 1976. Through seminars and webinars, NPF helps journalists better understand and explain the impact of public policy and …

DC Goes North – Thank You POLITICO
DC can be a tough town to make friends in but more often than not, the relationship gets its roots in business. At FamousDC, we’ve made it our motto to be “in the friends business”, to give credit where it’s due, and high-five the unexpected people who make DC tick. …

Famous Birthday Wishes – Shannon Croom
Wishing a very happy birthday to good friend, Shannon Croom. We wanted a more embarrassing photo of you but your wife was too kind. Have an amazing day and an epic birthday weekend. Cheers!

Friday Grind
IT’S A BEAUTIFUL DAY TO RISE AND GRIND COFFEE QUOTE FRIDAY JAM Brought to you by Bryant Row. We’re glad you followed our advice yesterday, because today’s Song of the Day is a special one. When music compels you to move, you just have to – it’s not optional. Maurice White embraced …

What’s Better Than a Great Party? A Great Party for a GREAT Cause
SOME (So Others May Eat) is uniting DC’s most engaged and sociable young professionals for its 13th annual Jr. Gala THIS Friday evening. BUY YOUR TICKETS TO SOME’S JR GALA RIGHT HERE SOME is a DC-based organization that helps homeless and underserved community members throughout our nation’s capital. By sponsoring services …

Famous Birthday Wishes – Kathryn Lyons
Kathryn Lyons is awesome. You may have heard of her. But in addition to being the new Managing Editor of FamousDC, she has a few other awesome things going for her as well. Number one most awesome thing being: today is her birthday. Please join us in wishing the newest …

Geoff Embler: Growing A Beard Is Like Being Pregnant
From his first-ever standup appearance, Geoff Embler says growing a beard is the closest thing a man experiences to being pregnant. Geoff followed his dreams and braved the main stage at Standup Studios Showcase, The Electric Maid, Washington, DC on Jan. 30, 2016. When he’s not performing live, Geoff is …

Top 10 Worst Things About Working In A Congressional Office
If you work on Capitol Hill you see, hear, and overhear many things that the rest of the mortal world isn’t privy to. These privileged professionals that serve our US government acquire a wealth of knowledge that sometimes is just too good not to share. We’ve provided a platform on …

Famous Feedback: Storm Jonas
Welcome to Famous Feedback – where we ask the folks that live and run this city a question and compile the responses. In light of the recent blizzard that just passed through the city we asked the friends of FamousDC how they weathered Snowzilla. “It was a pleasant, peaceful experience – the …

Snow Over It
If you have children, you might be noticing a trend in their relationship with snow. Day 1 is all fun and games. They’re yanking on your arm, begging you to go out and play with them in the snow. You’re exhausted. You might be hungover. But their little cherubic faces …

Through the Lens – Ben Carver
Local photographer and videographer, Ben Carver captured mesmerizing footage of Logan Circle during the blizzard last weekend. Take a moment to watch the short film and enjoy a few minutes of wintery peace and calm. Blizzard in Logan Circle from Ben Carver on Vimeo.

How F*cked Are DC Road Conditions
A general overview of DC’s road conditions, brought to you straight from the FamousDC news desk. General road conditions Not so great. From NW to SE, road conditions seem to get worse. DC got up to 30 inches of snow this weekend and most of that is still on the roads …