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John Kerry launched a fashion movement, the @Twitter #DC  gov’t liaison job is still available, 50 Cent still hasn’t been invited to the White House, despicable, Alvin Greene action figures are this year’s Tickle Me Elmo, Chad Pergram business time, a year older and none the wiser, awkward, accidentally check …

FamousDC Nightlife Correspondent @BlairDC brings us the Famous 5: Best Afternoon Hill Hang Out Spots It’s Friday. It’s sunny out. And you are able to take off early from work. What to do? Here’s my top five venues for a chill but celebratory end-of-the-week afternoon…and some honorable mentions since we …

Judging by the hatorade sent our way by interns and Congressional staff alike, it appears our “Day in the Life“ post really hit a nerve. Too close to home, folks? We won’t post the messages, but we’ll give you the gist: “you guys are tools”; “if you ever took off …

Get crazy [Hey, Love] Picture This [shadow] LiveItLuvIt [OMG] DC [buildings]

Recess. It’s a busy time back in the district. But in THE District, it’s about as slow as Doris counting the pennies the latest tourist decided to use to pay for their buffalo wrap. Back home, the boss is kissing babies (and goodness knows who else) while office work productivity …

Hat Tip – Arch City Chronicle

We hope you’re enjoying recess. Photo by: Christopher Gindlesperger, aka NotNotGindy

We hear Drew Curtis had the same idea … Taegan Goddard’s Political Wire: Alvin Greene’s Jobs Plan In an interview with The Guardian, South Carolina U.S. Senate candidate Alvin Greene (D) discussed his “big idea” to create jobs in his state. Said Greene: “Another thing we can do for jobs …

We hope you enjoyed the holiday break. Photo by: John Shinkle

Photo by: Christopher Gindlesperger, aka NotNotGindy FamousDC Nightlife Correspondent @BlairDC brings us the best fireworks viewing options for everyone sticking around the city this weekend. Washington DC is a spectacular place to celebrate July 4th. The National Mall, along with DC’s monuments and the U.S. Capitol, provides an exquisite and …

Hey, love turned 1, Anthony Weiner = ESPN, Senator Byrd left us, we want to hire this writer, we owe Drew Curtis lots of beer, TIME for lobbying, chipwiches, high volume of interns led to an increase  of check on check crimes in DC,  Andrew Breitbart is throwing money around, …

Loyal FamousDC tipster, JS, passed this along: In the past few months, two websites: livingsocial and groupon have taken the DC region by storm. Offering discounted entertainment in the metro region. From restaurants to gokarting, these deals are real and are essential for any staff-ass scraping by on $25k. One …

Photo by: Christopher Gindlesperger, aka NotNotGindy Happy Wednesday! We hope you enjoy the incredible DC weather today.

Andrew Breitbart wants access to what he’s calling “a portal into the dark world of hardcore liberal bias in the media.” The price for an E-Ticket? $100,000. Mr. B. is offering plenty of scratch (and source protection) to any Journolist member willing to provide the listserv’s full archive and membership …

Our friends over at What’s the Deal are giving away free Ketel One Vodka this Thursday at Old Glory. Now, the last time we posted about Old Glory we caused a little bit of ruckus, so we’re treading carefully this time around. Cruise on over to What’s the Deal and …