Posts Tagged
Washington Redskins

“Walking with Anthony” Celebrity Golf Tournament & Dinner
“Walking with Anthony” a non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness for Spinal Cord Injury is teaming up with the Washington Redskins Charitable Foundation and Redskins Alumni Association to present the 7th Annual Charity Celebrity Golf Tournament on September 30th at the Country Club of Fairfax. The event will feature a …
D.C. = Greatest Sports City in America
Today, Washington, D.C. is the greatest sports city in America. Sometimes, being a D.C. sports fan is like this: And sometimes you have to turn to your D.C. fan friends and high five each other into believing in those teams, which doesn’t always help. But, when three D.C. teams win …
Donté Stallworth
Meet Donté Stallworth. You may know him from his previous working life – an NFL wide receiver for the New Orleans Saints, Philadelphia Eagles, New England Patriots, Cleveland Browns, Baltimore Ravens, and the Washington Redskins. Now, he’s a National Security Fellow at the Huffington Post. We caught up with him …
Famous Friday [Round Up]
Breaking: CNN is still looking for this roundup #NATIONAL Yellowstone … Yikes; Goodbye Letterman; RGIII is keeping #10, DeSean Jackson; CRAWFISH; We heard the last HIMYM episode sucked but need to catch up on seasons 1-9 so NO SPOILERS for the next year and a half; Microsoft rolled something out …
Hyper Hill: What Season is it Now?
Sloth mom eats two of her newborn cubs [zoo saves third] NPR doesn’t like the name of the DC football team [either] José Andrés will be GW’s commencement speaker [Students: “Eh”] A visual history of colleges [that used to be in DC] Please please please don’t give me a ticket [- this …
Remembering When We Had Redskins’ Quarterbacks
Washington Business Journal takes a walk down memory lane. [Redskins QBs] They say a quarterback is like a football team’s CEO. And in Washington, there may be no closer-watched CEO than the man calling the shots on the field for the beloved Washington Redskins. When you succeed in the position, …
Now THAT’S More Like It!
Between the coronation of the so-far very deserving Stephen Strasburg [SI jinx!! Nooo!!], the Caps impressive playoff run, and the Skins’ hiring of Mike Shanahan and Jedi-mind-trick pick-up of Donovan McNabb, we were starting to think that this town’s sports franchises might finally be turning a corner. Enter Albert Haynesworth. …
Dan Snyder for President?
You know, maybe Dan Synder IS just right for Washington, D.C. The lovable Skins owner is getting torn apart worse than his defensive line in the press this morning for kicking out "fans" who had the gall to bring unflattering — not to mention dangerous! — signs to FedEx Field …
Drew Magary’s Redskins Update
Deadspin’s Drew Margary spent Sunday at FedEx Field and luckily for all of us, he wrote about it. Take a few minutes and give it a read. We’ve included our favorite paragraph. Deadspin: Redskins Season Quickly Devolving Into Roland Emmerich Film … Jason Campbell was benched at halftime of this …
Drew Magary Goes Too Far
Local Washingtonian, Drew Magary , uses his Deadspin rant on the Washington Redskins to rip on everything from Late Night Shots to parking in Adams Morgan. Deadspin: Why Your Team Sucks: Washington Redskins Someone needs to buy Drew an $8 Snyder Special Beer at Fed-Ex and buy him a pair …
Chris Cooley in “The Cooley Zone”
"The Cooley Zone" is a new web series coming soon starring our favorite Washington Redskin, Chris Cooooooooley . This reality series will take an unfiltered look into the world of Chris Cooley, as he balances the physical and emotional stresses of professional football along with a new marriage and an …
Did Vinny and Danny Boy Botch the Cutler Trade?
Has Dan Snyder’s pursuit of Cutler damaged the 2009 season if things don’t go well? [mental giants] h/t patrick ottenhoff
Dan Snyder and Clinton Portis Doing the Soldier Boy
Ok, that didn’t actually happen (yet!), but FamousDC is bringing you Sunday’s WaPo headline early. Yes, it seems our favorite NFL All-Pro Redskins Tight End, Chris Cooley, is blogging about his upcoming wedding this weekend to fired Redskins cheerleader, Christy Oglevee. The Cooley Zone: My Redskins cheerleader-turned-Redskins wife From the …
Captain Chaos Cooley…Blog Master
Have you ever wondered how your life would be different if you were a famous NFL player for the Washington Redskins? Luckily for us, Chris Cooley takes us straight to the action on his personal blog, where he recently answered a few questions about the NFL draft: If I was …
Congrats Art and Darrell
Redskins’ Monk and Green lead six into Hall of Fame Darrell Green Youth Life Foundation His Redskins Bike Super Bowl Rings