Posts Tagged
Washington D.C.

Friday Round Up
Weather: This is a perfect weekend for a Netflix marathon because the storms are rolling into DC and keeping the temperatures as high as 90 degrees. Awesome events you can attend this weekend: Check out The Geeks exhibit at the National Geographic Museum; Bust out your best dance moves at Kitchen Sink Fest; Hit …

Morning Grind 7.26.16
FAMOUS FORECAST Bring it on heat wave. The extreme heat brutality continues as Washington was named the hottest city in America this week with a disgusting heat index of 108. MONDAY JAM Brought to you by Tazwell Jones of Bryant Row. As the DNC trucks forward in Philadelphia, so too does our focus …

Top 5 DC Getaway Destinations
Summer is upon us, and the days are as long as Rand Paul is short, which can only mean one thing… it’s time for a ROADTRIP! Don’t be an amateur and wait until August recess to hit the road. Escape from the swarms of tacky tourists and Instagramming interns now …
FamousDC Launches First Political and Public Affairs Snapchat Channel
We’re on Snapchat. You should be too.
Get on it and add us via username “TheFamousDC.”
Squeaky Pops Here Just in Time for Summer
This summer, if you’re desperate for a popsicle in DC when it’s 90 out, don’t head to the trucks on the Mall. Go to your favorite Giant, Whole Foods and Safeway instead and grab a Squeaky Pop. Over the next month Squeaky Pops, the all-natural fruit pops, will be in …

Through the Lens of Nathan Jones
Nathan Jones photographed one of the most beautiful bridges in DC, framing it beautifully in this awesome long-exposure photo. Nathan submitted this to the FamousDC Flickr pool.
Hyper Hill: Worthy in Suburbia
10 suburban restaurants you should [visit the burbs to experience] DC got real nerdy this weekend [and the photos are awesome] Kendrick Lamar kicked Sweetgreen’s CEO [off the stage this weekend] Storms in the DMV area were destructive [but did produce cool photos] Photo by John Sonderman submitted to the …
Yahoo DC 20: Celebrate Yahoo’s 20th Anniversary!
Are you going to the 20 year anniversary party for Yahoo! in DC next Tuesday, May 19th? Because we are.
Why Have We Never Been Invited to a Party Here?
Sure, they get noise complaints, but the AirBNB money goes toward a good cause: “As you can see my house kind of screams party,” he tells Washingtonian in a phone interview. “Even though I had all these restrictions and warnings, people end up breaking the rules. There was a church …

The Hill and Politico Agree: Best of FamousDC is Awesome
We would love to thank Megan R. Wilson at The Hill and Tarini Parti at Politico for the coverage of our Best of FamousDC Political Digital List and party. Wilson wrote in the Hill: With 2016 election season underway, Beltway insider blog FamousDC has launched a database of Washington’s most …

Every Female Hill Staffer’s Fear: Lobbyists Who Hug
While we all know it is not unusual for some male lobbyists to lack serious boundaries with female Hill staffers, there is a growing trend among K Streeters that seems to circumvent professionalism…and enraged me enough to delay writing a constituent letter or two, and write this. In the past …
D.C. = Greatest Sports City in America
Today, Washington, D.C. is the greatest sports city in America. Sometimes, being a D.C. sports fan is like this: And sometimes you have to turn to your D.C. fan friends and high five each other into believing in those teams, which doesn’t always help. But, when three D.C. teams win …
Jeff Sheely
Meet Jeff Sheely, co-founder of Urban Stems. He’s on a mission to bring on-demand happiness to everyone in the city, by bike. Read more about the mission, and how soon is too soon to send flowers after a date.
Dana Perino Can See the Future
Dana Perino recalled a sweet childhood declaration that turned out to be true in this preview of her upcoming book: “My parents said that when I got home to Denver, I stood on the milk box under our flag and proclaimed that one day I was going to work in …
Sorry, National Mall
“The maintenance backlog for DC’s public spaces administered by the National Park Service has gotten so lengthy, it would cost $1.195 billion to bring everything up to date. But there’s little chance of that happening when the parks budget has been slashed over the last five years, leaving some of …