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Famous Five: Autria Lindsay and Jessob Reisbeck (Good Morning Washington)
Autria Lindsay and Jessob Reisbeck, co-anchors for Good Morning Washington, are two reasons we start our day with a smile. Watch our latest Famous Five and get to know them a little better.

Friday Round Up
Weather: It’s about to be so hot that D.C. has become home to the Scorch Trials. High of 99, an index of 110 and sun all weekend with a slight chance of rain on Sunday. Thanks a lot global warming. Awesome events you can attend this weekend: Love being outside, live music …

The DC Olympics
Just because you’re not athletic enough to compete in the official 2016 Summer Olympics doesn’t mean you can’t be a good sport about it. Speaking of sport, we’ve turned Washington, DC into your own personal Olympic grounds. With our DC Olympics Challenge you’ll think you’re in Rio competing alongside some …

Morning Grind 6.03.16
FAMOUS FORECAST Don’t fret! Summer is definitely here to stay. It may be a little rainy but at least it’s still warm. Temps in the 70’s all day with scattered showers. FRIDAY JAM Brought to you by Taz Jones of Bryant Row. Does anything feel better than summer? Does anything sound better …

Friday Round Up
Weather: Washingtonians are tough! We survived the mountains of snow and the monsoons that rained down for three weeks. After all that, it is finally paying off with that sweet smell of summer giving us temps in the 80’s and sunshine all weekend! Awesome events you can attend this weekend: Grab tickets …

Morning Grind 5.26.2016
FAMOUS FORECAST It’s a perfect day in DC – the sun is shining, temperatures are in the 80’s, and it’s Thirsty Thursday. THURSDAY JAM Brought to you by Robert Cogan of the United States House of Representatives. My Throwback Thursday track is THUNDER IN YOUR HEART from the critically acclaimed 1986 BMX …

Friday Round Up
Weather: Prepare yourself for the monsoon that is about to hit the district. 100% chance of downpours all day Saturday and Sunday with temperatures in the 60’s. That rain gear is getting put to good use this spring. Awesome events you can attend this weekend: It’s all about the beer. Hit up …

Friday Round Up
Weather: We’re pretty sure April showers are supposed to bring May flowers – not the other way around. It’ll be in warm with highs in the low 70s, but with all this rain we continue to drown in, the only thing you’re gonna need this weekend is an Ark. Awesome events …

Oh, What A Night.
How’s your hangover? Ours is still kicking and we’re confident it will see us through the rest of the week. This past Saturday was the 2016 White House Correspondents’ Dinner, but the partying started well before the weekend and Sunday hangovers were nursed with more booze and brunch. It was the eighth and final …

Kentucky Meets DC
The Kentucky Society of Washington certainly knows how to throw one hell of a party. This past weekend we attended the societies 35th annual Pre-Kentucky Derby party at River Farm in Alexandria for a day of mint juleps, sear sucker and bowties, silent auctions, extravagant hat competitions and so much …

Correspond This, White House.
The night that has been marked on every Washingtonian’s social calendar with permanent marker (err.. maybe just marked on its Google calendar) is upon us. No, it’s not inauguration. No, it’s not the Fourth of July. Yes, the 2016 White House Correspondents’ Dinner is finally here. If you don’t know what …

7 Glorious Glamping Destinations Just Outside the Beltway
Leave your tents and sleeping bags at home: there’s a new trend that’s making its way around the U.S. called “glamping” – that’s glamorous camping, of course. So what exactly does glamping entail, you might ask? Imagine trading in hard-to-assemble tents and Boy Scout-sized rations of food with the first …

Mike Morrison is Famous for DC
When Mike Morrison isn’t busy digital media directing for AEA, he sits around, watches baseball, and gets famous. Casual. Yesterday while watching the Colorado Rockies play the Arizona Diamondbacks, Mike entertained Twitter with live updates of the game. Mark Reynolds making some excellent catches. Crazy defense from the Rockies — Mike Morrison …

Ten Things You Probably Didn’t Know About FamousDC
10. The Salahis crashed one of our parties with a camera crew. 9. The site was anonymous for several years until Shane Harris broke the story for The Washingtonian. 8. We have the coolest office space in DC. A video posted by FamousDC (@famous_dc) on Mar 7, 2016 at 2:23pm …

FamousDC’s Top 10 Favorite Things About the Nationals
The division leading Washington Nationals are on a tear and DC is rallying around the winning sports team. Over here at FamousDC, we thought it would be fun to list just a few of our favorite things about the Nats.
Read the top 10 list.