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Yearly Round Up: 2016
This past year was filled with an unlimiting vision, an abundance of achievements and a few cups of coffee in between. Whether we were home in our nation’s capital or packed into a Ford Expedition on our way to Cleveland, we wouldn’t have made it without you (and a full …
Unless Meghan McCain is a “Professional” Poker Player, This Won’t Fly
In the words of Roxanne and Argetsinger, “Live by the tweet, die by the tweet.” With just three days’ notice, Meghan McCain canceled a book tour appearance Thursday at Pennsylvania’s Juniata College because of “several unforeseen professional responsibilities,” her rep told the college. Busted. The Chronicle of Higher Education looked …
Republicans Love the Sun
The smart money would have been on Vegas. The Republican National Committee’s site-selection committee is expected to name Tampa as site of the party’s 2012 convention today, according to Mike Allen. [Political Wire] Note: The convention headquarters will be nowhere near here:
What Happens in Vegas … Ensign Will Tweet
Somebody had to defend the slot machines: Ensign: Obama slams Las Vegas again. I am calling on the President to apologize for his remark. [what happens in Vegas] That tweet not to be confused with: If you don’t stop picking on Vegas, I’m going to take my ball and go …
Politico’s Kiki Ryan Has All the Fun
Drive the morning Drive the afternoon Drive the after-party Politico sent Kiki Ryan on location to Las Vegas night club Pure. Not a bad gig.