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Thank You, Uncle Joe.
The time has come for the real life Selina Myer to tie a ribbon on his tenure as Vice President. The man, the meme, the legend – Joe Biden has served as VEEP for the past eight years in addition to his 36 years serving as a U.S. Senator from Delaware. We’ve …
Hyper Hill: McHale Mary
Cinco de Mayo [margarita prices] Mirror, mirror on the wall [which rap artist has the largest vocabulary of them all?] Are you single? Do you make $100-200k? [we have the perfect 400 square foot studio for you] The running of the chihuahuas [this is really actually a thing] Building collapses …
Hyper Hill: Don’t Pee in Your Coworker’s Coffee
House of Cards not getting that big tax break after all [sorry Spacey] The Nationals beat Miamiiiii[iiiiiiiiii] Peeing in your coworker’s coffee [not a good idea] Bob Cusack, The Hill’s managing editor, will [make an appearance on Veep, NBD] Major website security flaw discovered [change your passwords on Friday] Love …
The Veep Short List
ABC’s Jon Karl takes an early stab at Romney’s VP short list. Top Tier: Rob Portman, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush Second Tier: Chris Christie, Mitch Daniels, Bob McDonnell, Paul Ryan Women: Kelly Ayotte, Mary Fallin, Nikki Haley, Susana Martinez Due to his recent penguin bite, Newt was left off the …
The Right Blogosphere, Wrong Again
Just when they thought they had it all figured out – and after weeks of… It’s gonna be Romney. No, it’s Pawlenty. No, wait, how about Cantor. No, yeah, definitely Romney. No, yup, it’s Bob Vila. Cantor. We like Cantor. Figures, Pawlenty. Makes sense. Not even close. McCain picks Palin. …
Obama, McCain, Veeps, Horse Races, and Sports Fans
Listen up sports fans, we’ve got two outs in the bottom of the 9th, 4th down, 6 teams fouls, only seconds left on the clock before the buzzer sounds … WE’VE GOT VICE PRESIDENTIAL PICKS COMING You can get text alerts from the Obama campaign as soon as the pick …
Novak All Spun Up
It hasn’t been a great week for Bob. Yesterday he struck someone with his car and then claimed he had no idea he had done it. Now, just when Bob thought things couldn’t get worse, they do. Apparently Mr. Novak is taking some serious heat for misleading readers into thinking …