Posts Tagged
Valentine’s Day

Friday Round Up
#MANAGINGEDITOR KATHRYN LYONS Managing Editor at FamousDC “My quotes are generally shorter than a press conference.” Weather: We’re feeling prettayyyyy good about this weather! Presidents’ Day weekend is bringing us a taste of spring with mostly sunny skies on Saturday and Sunday. Temperatures will reach the mid to high 60s and will …

Roses Are Red. Violets Are Boring. (Check Out These Valentines Instead)
Valentine’s Day. We either love it or we love to hate it, but one thing we can agree on is that here in D.C., we will definitely politicize it. We’re real suckers for love here at FamousDC and didn’t think that the millions of Valentine’s Day cards out there were enough to …

Yes, You Should Make a Move On Your Office Crush
If you work on Capitol Hill you see, hear, and overhear many things that the rest of the mortal world isn’t privy to. These privileged professionals that serve our US government acquire a wealth of knowledge that sometimes is just too good not to share. We’ve provided a platform on …

It’s Better to Be Single in DC on Valentine’s Day
So you’re single this Valentine’s Day? Most District dwellers are. It turns out that more than 50% of adults living in D.C. are single, according to data from a recent Martin Prosperity Institute study. With an abundance of events curated for the unattached-only crowd, D.C. tops the list of great …
Famous Friday [Round Up]
We’re done with Winter. Please bring Spring weather, open Cantina Marina and let the Nationals start playing baseball. #NATIONAL Comcast and Timewarner … uh ok; Official Hater’s Guide to the Olympics is worth a read; it’s House of Cards day y’all; enjoy your flowers and dinner; Facebook added 50 new genders; PA …
Presidential Love and Snow
It’s Valentine’s Weekend, but it’s also President’s weekend and it’s also that weekend where there’s a bunch of snow sitting around. If you’re at a loss for what to do, we have you covered with hand-picked events below.
Our Favorite #FedValentines and #HealthPolicyValentines Lines
[View the story “Our Favorite Policy Valentine’s Day Lines” on Storify]
Hyper Hill: Welcome to the Slush Jam
Valentine’s day [restaurant gimmicks] Get some free De La Soul [today at 11AM] Body found under the snow [creeptacular] If you’re not sick of winter yet [go outdoor ice skating!] Creative DuPont circle [snowmen and women and dogs] Amazing Olympic drinking game [from H Street Country Club] Photo by Justin Schuck
Hyper Hill: Goodbye for Real
Did you download your House of Cards [Cards Against Humanity deck yet?] Peet’s Coffee is coming to town [and already has representation] Sony is selling waterproof Walkmans [in bottles of water] Ricki Lake will not be in Congress [sadly] District Taco opening a new location [all is right with the …
Hyper Hill: Rebel Rebel
Fruit ketchups [are happening] Politico picks the 10 craziest [government boondoggles] VA Gov [on the charm offensive] Popville PSA: [do not clip your nails on the metro] CityPaper PSA: [stop skipping out on your restaurant reservations] Photo by Stephen Ball
Day after Valentine’s Day
Today is the day after Valentine’s Day or as I now will refer to it: REDEMPTION DAY. ATTENTION: girlfriends/wives/beaus/baby-mamas/etc. – please stop bluffing in the gift department on your birthday and holidays. When you say, “I got you something small, don’t get me anything big.” We think: “Ok, I can …