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Are You Really Gonna Tweet That?
Ah the tweet. So simple, yet so scientific when you take a look into what goes on behind the scenes (aka your brain or, lack thereof). You wouldn’t think it was that complex despite all the questionable things you see on Twitter, but even some of our Hollywood favorites make mistakes… well …

Famous Five – Katy Ricalde
Few people can take a selfie, Tweet, Instagram and Snapchat… all at the same time. Katy Ricalde does it like it’s her job – because it is. Katy is the New Media Specialist for “Special Report with Bret Baier” which means not only does Katy advise Bret on which filter looks best …
@HiltonHHonors Giving Away Free Hotel Rooms
If you live in the DC area and use Twitter, this is a great way to snag a free hotel room from @HiltonHHonors. 1. Follow @HiltonHHonors on Twitter. 2. Take a photo of yourself in front of your favorite DC monument/landmark and tweet it to @HiltonHHonors using the hashtag #HHfreenight …
It’s My **** in a Tweet
This little gem just made its way to our inbox. For Anthony Weiner, who officially had the “Worst Week Ever,” it’s deserving and hilarious.
BREAKING: Tom Williams Joins Twitter
One of the best photographers in DC the world has joined Twitter. Say hello to CQ-Roll Call’s Tom Williams @pennstatetom And of course he brings his A-game to Twitter. His first Tweet is about Washington Redskins TE Chris Cooley getting all handsy on Roll Call reporter Melanie Zanona. @PennStateTom Illegal …
Meg Whitman Keeping Up With the Kardashians
Meg Whitman expands the Republican celebrity base beyond the typical Stephen Baldwin, Brooks and Dunne, and Ben Stein by hanging out with Bruce and Kris Jenner…better known as the heads of E!’s “Keeping Up With The Kardashians” household. No word if Bruce’s son, Brody, or Kris’ daughter, Kim, made an …
How Nancy Pelosi’s Tweet Ruined August Vacation By: @FamousDC and @JESS3
Tomorrow, the U.S. House of Representatives will reconvene because of one single tweet. This 140 character message, not only ruined thousands of August vacations, but will cost staffers and members thousands of dollars when it’s all said and done. With the help from FamousDC, the fine folks at JESS3 illustrated …
Speaker of the House 2.0 @SpeakerPelosi
Just as the Founding Fathers imagined … Speaker Pelosi just reconvened the U.S. House of Representatives via a Tweet. Speaker Pelosi: I will be calling the House back into session early next week to save teachers’ jobs and help seniors & children Blackberry updates are ruining August vacations at beaches …
Famously Tweeted: Multitasking
This is how you make the pages of Mike Allen’s Playbook: @CADelargy (CBS News’ Christine Delargy): “Have finally mastered art of blow drying hair w one hand and reading @mikeallen’s playbook w the other.” Nicely played.
Sarah Palin is Good at Copy and Paste
Tweeting is easier when you copy and paste. [Palin Plagiarizes]
48 Hour Twitter Contest [VIP Tickets to Shamrock Fest]
Do you have plans Saturday? Would you and a friend like to attend Shamrock Fest at RFK and hang in the Club VIP tent with free beer all day? You have 48 hours to win these tickets. The contest: Print out the FamousDC logo and upload a picture of it …
Marc Ambinder Hits 10,000 #Twitter
Betsy Rothstein: Attention K-Mart Shoppers: Ambinder hits 10,000 Twitter Followers But He’s No Douche Speaking of Twitter, you can follow FamousDC here
Famously Twittered: Tweeting Too Hard
This might be the greatest website we’ve seen in quite awhile. We all know people who take themselves too seriously on Twitter – we’ve even gone as far as describing these people as narcissistic. You know who they are. They’re the ones that think they work harder than you – …