Posts Tagged

Tune Inn

Jennifer Steinhauer wrote an gorgeous guide to a weekend exploring the greater Capitol Hill neighborhood as part of their famous 36 Hours series. Now you can brag to your friends from out of town that all your favorite places are now justified by the Gray Lady herself. We went ahead and mapped it for you below with her perspective at every location so you can rediscover the magic that is D.C.

Refurbished Tune Inn only has one deer butt [h/t @mkhammer via @HotlineReid] Michael Moore doesn’t want to give away his money [yet] Wale [DC or Nothing] America’s brokest cities [did your city rank?] Photo credit: City Paper

Four months after catching fire, the Tune Inn is set to reopen its doors. [via Washingtonian] Tune Inn Restaurant and Bar to Reopen Four Months After Fire Destroys Kitchen the Capitol Hill Staple Returns What: Four months after a kitchen fire closed the Tune Inn Restaurant and Bar, the Capitol Hill …

Tim Carney: Beer, tacos, and political potshots: Hawk ‘n’ Dove, RIP I didn’t meet my now-wife at the Hawk. But early in our courtship, I brought her to a free-taco affair, loaded with debate and revelry. When the rowdy talk turned to immigration, she forcefully and deftly picked apart my …

Looks like the Tune inn is getting a big front reconstruct – almost time to get back to your regular Friday nights. H/T Andrew Foxwell

The show and the omelets must go on.  [event details] “Music should strike fire from the heart of man,” Beethoven said. And Friday July 15, your favorite D.C. band Bonjour, Ganesh! is helping an American institution rise from the flames like a phoenix – a phoenix who likes to dance …

The Tune Inn is hosting a clean up party and you’re invited to help. The rustic but iconic storefront was all boarded up last night with a sign posted from owner Lisa Nardelli (pictured) encouraging volunteers to help pick up the pieces in the aftermath of Wednesday’s kitchen fire at …

UPDATE: TuneInnDC Everyone is safe and we already have cleanup crews here! Thank you for the well wishes! More info soon! UPDATE From HuffPo: The extent of the damage was initially reported as catastrophic by distraught fans of the bar, but the front of the establishment remains largely undamaged. A …

We asked and FamousDC fans delivered! Dan Ronayne was a guest bartender Saturday night at the Tune Inn to raise money for children’s Cancer research. We promised a FamousDC mug to anyone who could capture video of Mr. Ronayne throwing bottles around a la Cocktail style. Just let us know …

Something on your mind? Need to Rant? Email Tune Inn joins DC reality television craze, crushing hearts more than their mozzarella sticks The successful opening of Chef Spike’s tourist-beloved We the Pizza and the Silk Road-length lines outside Georgetown Cupcake have proven that television celebrity can add cold hard …

If you’ve never been to the Tune Inn, you’ve got a few days until it becomes a popular tourist trap. Looking for a chance to be on TV? Quit trying to figure out how to get invited to Top Chef’s Restaurant Wars and go to the Tune Inn Wednesday, May …

It’s a time-honored tradition that started at the Tune Inn twenty five years ago – now it hosts over 2000 drunk transplanted- Southerners looking for a good time. Back in 1983, well before Vineyard Vines, tickets to TOTS were $15. These days, in order to get a ticket, you’ve got …