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If a rainbow shows up in DC and wasn’t Instagrammed 12,000 times – did it really happen? #NATIONAL Do you love dogs and weapons? Then the TSA’s Instagram is for you; Emmy nominations: who got robbed?; If soccer injuries were real life; we’re irrationally peeved about this guy and his …

#NATIONAL Always get the bigger pizza; Or maybe never get the pizza; We found the best ever House of Cards tumblr; Bitcoin: nice while it lasted; Lebron-man; Seaworld still pissed about “Blackfish;” where’s our American flag tee shirt?; what’s going on with the Tea Party?; Oscars Sunday; Anchorman 3: ain’t …

If you’re like Michele Bachmann and have been freaking out about leaked TSA photos, this should put your mind at ease. According to Gawker, “the Senate voted 98-0 today yesterday in favor of an amendment “that would punish anyone who misuses images from full-body security scanners at airports with a …

Now there’s a way to protest those intrusive TSA X-ray scanners without saying a word. Related: TSA bumper stickers.

Good luck to all the FDC fans flying this week.  Keep us posted with your stories by emailing us at [email protected]

TSAgov on Twitter (fake account) TSA Bumper Stickers

An email containing new TSA bumper stickers is making its way around Capitol Hill. h/t SV Follow FamousDC on Facebook &  Twitter