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How To Survive The Biggest Travel Day of The Year
Stuffing your face with stuffing (and turkey) is only a travel headache away, but in the end, it’s definitely worth the trip. How do you combat the busiest travel season of the year like a pro? We’ll tell you. Best of luck out there. Pack lightly or else… Air …

Monthly Round Up: November
November had quite the share of epicness. From Election Day to a national day of eating until we can’t move, this month was filled with reasons to celebrate (read: drink). Before we dive into awkward holiday work parties, let’s take a look back. Monthly Round Ups: October | September | August …

Weather: Autumn is holding on for dear life, and we’re very thankful! Expect weekend temperatures in the high 50’s, featuring sunny skies and a strong suggestion from FamousDC that you grab brunch with friends. Awesome events you can attend this weekend: Turkey Trot for a good cause at Freedom Plaza; Support …

Free Bird: The Presidential Pardoning of the Thanksgiving Turkey
The bizarre practice of pardoning a turkey at the White House has made its way into late-night comedy, political cartoons, and even an episode of the “The West Wing” over the years. On Wednesday, the highly anticipated event will be live-streamed at 2:40 p.m. EST and viewers can tune …

DC On Tap: Your Guide to Thanksgiving Eve
‘Twas the night before Thanksgiving and all through the house not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The liquor was stocked behind the bar with care, hoping that old friends would soon be catching up there. All the group messages were buzzing about where they should make last …

The #PositivityPromise: Let Kindness Guide Your Actions Today
Let kindness guide your actions today. And tomorrow. And the day after that. It’s a simple idea with endless possibilities – What if we exchanged intolerance for patience? What if we befriended instead of belittled? What if we injected a little bit of kindness into our intentions every day? Today …

If the 2016 Presidential Candidates Had Thanksgiving Dinner Together
If you think about it, the dissonant personalities of the 2016 Presidential candidates aren’t totally dissimilar from the vast array of characters within families that gather together for Thanksgiving dinner each year. Imagine if all the politicos got together for their own turkey day feast… Hillary would finally wear something other than …

FamousDC Presents: Thanksgiving Bingo
The holiday of thanks is upon us. One of the things we’re most thankful for is the precious time in which families and friends come together for one giant, gluttonous, forced, drunken, argument-induced meal. A night where bonds are formed, feuds are solidified, and awkwardness runs rampant. That’s right- it’s …
What about DC are you most thankful for this season?
We asked our friends around town what about DC they were thankful for this season. Here are their answers. I’m thankful for the bartenders at the Hamilton. –Katie Harbath, Facebook I am thankful for the fact that DC has a Costco now, a really big one. Except when Joe Biden shops there, since area traffic freaks …
Famous Thanksgiving Weekend Picks by @BlairDC
Happy Thanksgiving 2011! If you’re hanging around the DofC this holiday weekend, here’s some ideas for weekend fun to keep you far from Turkey Day boredom. Thursday Black Squirrel – although notable venues like Hill Country, ChurchKey, the Passenger and Jack Rose will be closed, this hot spot will be …
Thanksgiving Talking Points
It’s about that time. A few weeks ago, you cursed yourself for not buying your ticket home for Thanksgiving sooner. “How could I have waited this long?” you lament, as you reluctantly enter the 3 digit code on the back of your credit card. If your family only knew how …
FamousDC Gives Thanks
FamousDC is thankful for: Turkey give away celebrations Giant spiders Ted Leonsis GQ interviews Rahm 5-star turkeys TSA bumper stickers Political insiders Twilight Elena Kagan Chris Paulitz Rally for Sanity signs Antoine Dodson Talented interns MOET & CHANDON Fame Bankers eating people Hot lobbyists TheHillisHome Health care Guam not tipping …