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Party Like It’s 1776
Move over, Silicon Valley. DC is the startup capital now. Last week, the District was home to 1776’s Challenge Cup, a massive startup competition packed with drones, complicated code and four giant parties. 1776 is a tech incubator based in DC that helps fund some of the world’s most innovative …
Jeff Sheely
Meet Jeff Sheely, co-founder of Urban Stems. He’s on a mission to bring on-demand happiness to everyone in the city, by bike. Read more about the mission, and how soon is too soon to send flowers after a date.
Thankful Thursday: Morgan Gress on Josh Shultz & Amos Snead
Morgan Gress is Editor at 1776, and the former editor of FamousDC. A quick note: FamousDC’s current editor, Marie, asked Morgan to write today’s thankful Thursday post. Guiding influences that immediately came to her mind? Amos Snead and Josh Shultz.
Government Startup Day: Challenge Festival
Not feeling reading a 50 page policy paper in your office on a Friday?
Want to get off Capitol Hill for a couple hours, but also want it known that you’re doing legitimate work? If you’re working in government and want to save the world (I’m looking at you, almost everyone in DC), check out this amazing day of startup government focused talks at 1776 tomorrow.
Register now or read on.
Famous Friday [Round Up]
We will live by the promise of hashtag #NATL Can we watch all sports with this filter on?; Here are 45 names the NYT’s Upshot rejected that you can use for your new data journalism organization; #MyNYPD; O, Canada; Goodbye Google+; Hannity vs. Stewart; Comcast vs. Netflix; Andy Warhol created …