Posts Tagged
South Carolina

#FamouslyInLove: Sorry Matthew, You HurriCAN’T Rain On This Parade
Ah, romance. Even as the seasons change and weather takes a turn for cooler conditions, love abounds all around us here in Washington. But we aren’t just a pretty city boasting storied tales of famous first families and power couples. Perhaps even more notable to the Beltway’s reputation, we’re an ingenuitive …
Rebranding America: New Flags for Every State
The folks over at NJI Media redesigned every state flag in America at, for Flag Day tomorrow. They weighed the history of the state with each state’s current flag and came up with interesting ways to represent local flavor. We’re impressed. Here are a few of our favorites: Arkansas …
Real House of Cards: It’s Hard Out There for Claire Underwood
Actress Robin Wright (a.k.a. Claire Underwood from House of Cards) got sassy this weekend when asked about her favorite WHC: …we tried to get Wright’s take on her favorite White House correspondent. You know the folks whose work the weekend is supposed to be celebrating? “Who are they?” she asked, …
Rick Perry To Drop Presidential Bid Because He’s Out of Clean Undershirts
We’re told Perry might rethink his decision once he’s able to do laundry. Photo by Getty Images.
Guerrilla Campaigning 101: Always Sneak Up Behind the On-Air Reporter
Is that really Alvin Greene behind you?
What the Hell is Going on Down In South Carolina?
Apparently you don’t need money, a website or name recognition to win a Senate primary in South Carolina. [sh*t is easy] Meet Alvin Greene, the Democratic nominee for Senate in South Carolina. Alvin won on Tuesday, but has no idea how. Nor does anyone else… Greene, an unemployed 32-year-old who …
What’s the Speed Limit In Argentina?
Gov. Sanford is so unlucky, it’s beginning to rub off on people around him. [can’t catch a break] South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford’s (R) car was pulled over for speeding and a video from a dashboard camera shows the trooper asking the driver, "You got a good reason for running …
Mark McKinnon’s Tale Of Two Days
Ever fired off an email and then regretted it a day later? What about a blog post? As much as having a virtual bullhorn at your finger tips is nice, it can also be a pain in the ass. Case in point: Mark McKinnon’s blog [driving traffic] 6/23/09 | Sanford …
Open Letter To Governor Mark Sanford Re: His Appalachian Fakeout
Dear Governor Sanford, When Senator John Ensign confessed to an affair with a former staffer, we were amused but not necessarily impressed . Then you came along with your unplanned vacation to South America. Your staff thought you were hiking in the woods – but not you, you wanted something …
I’m a Governor — Get Me Outta Here!
Move over Heidi and Spencer — you two aren’t the only ones who decided to get away from it all in order to hang out in the wilderness. Ben Smith: Sanford was in Argentina [why would anyone want to go there?] Before everyone starts giving him a hard time about …
Mark Sanford Minutes Away From Appearing On The Back Of A Milk Carton
If we had a category tag on FamousDC entitled “strange as hell,” this would go under it. The whereabouts of Gov. Mark Sanford was unknown for nearly four days, and some state leaders question who was in charge of the executive office. His wife must have been worried, right? She …
Charlie Rangel spouts off – apology imminent
From the Tribune’s “Swamp Blog” Asked if he was alarmed by a poll showing Barack Obama winning only ten percent of the white Democratic vote, [Charlie] Rangel shot back in an affably combative way: “I’m not a South Carolinian –I don’t know if the goddam Civil War is over …
Tip Drill!
Earvin “Magic” Johnson in South Carolina Ad for Hillary Clinton: “Clinton is no rookie” Obama’s team (quickly!) responds: “But Magic Johnson Was An Awesome Rookie…” /This is for the White House folks.