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Morning Grind 01.05.2017
FAMOUS FORECAST It’s beginning to look a lot like…winter! The high for today is 34 and the low is right in the snowy sweet spot. DC is expecting just over a dust of it this evening so dust off those snow boots because you’re gonna need ’em. Or just go barefoot. See …
Snow Over It
If you have children, you might be noticing a trend in their relationship with snow. Day 1 is all fun and games. They’re yanking on your arm, begging you to go out and play with them in the snow. You’re exhausted. You might be hungover. But their little cherubic faces …
Through the Lens – Ben Carver
Local photographer and videographer, Ben Carver captured mesmerizing footage of Logan Circle during the blizzard last weekend. Take a moment to watch the short film and enjoy a few minutes of wintery peace and calm. Blizzard in Logan Circle from Ben Carver on Vimeo.
How To Use Blizzard Jonas As An Excuse All Week
We know how it goes, you hear about a storm coming and you make a long list of lofty goals to accomplish during your hibernation period. And then before you know it, the frenzy passes and it’s Monday again *cue groans*. …but depending on how you look at the glass, …
How F*cked Are DC Road Conditions
A general overview of DC’s road conditions, brought to you straight from the FamousDC news desk. General road conditions Not so great. From NW to SE, road conditions seem to get worse. DC got up to 30 inches of snow this weekend and most of that is still on the roads …
WATCH LIVE: Snowfall from the FamousDC Offices
Here’s something from Washington, DC, that won’t make you want to throw your phone across the room. No speeches. No politicians. No media pundits. It’s just a pure, uninterrupted livestream during the snowstorm in Washington DC, as seen from the FamousDC offices. Inspired by Speaker Ryan’s team. Best enjoyed with …
Hyper Hill: Run or Die
Ok Boston, OK WE GET IT [IT SNOWED A LOT] Truck hits Delta plane at DCA [whoopsies] Running a restaurant = [conducting an orchestra] Photo by Joe Newman submitted to the FamousDC Flickr Pool
Goodbye Shira: The Recap
Shira Center is leaving us all for Boston where the snowpack isn’t melting for another month, and while we’re proud of her we will miss her. She had a little going away gathering last night at Hawk ‘n’ Dove – you can see a couple highlights below. Famously Spotted: Emily …
Hyper Hill: Snow Day
Snow day brunch and other specials [here by PoPville] The MPD has your nudes [and shares them] Guy goes to DC police station, asks for his pot back [and gets it] “NO SELFIE STICKS ALLOWED” [-The Smithsonian museums] rough commute in all this snow #snowwhat A photo posted by …
Hyper Hill: Dancing Sharks
DC’s meter maids are out for blood [DC loses $55m in unpaid parking tickets] DC couple leaves toddlers in car at 28 degrees while at wine tasting [priorities folks, priorities] Richard Sherman’s face will break your heart [no matter who you rooted for] Chris Cillizza grants NWS [the worst week …
Through the Lens of John Sonderman
A pretty, perfectly framed, wintery scene at the sculpture garden ice rink. Kudos, Sonderman on this beautiful photo. Via FamousDC Flickr pool.
Hyper Hill: Surviving Wednesday
All the latest links from the District and beyond. Here’s who is headlining the next WHCA dinner: [Cecily Strong] Can the Caps be fixed enough to consistently [play good hockey?] People got stuck in snow on a NY highway [nightmare commute] Goodbye Arlington [streetcar proposal] A rockstar wants to bury …