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What it Would Take to Sway Our Vote
As the Electoral College meets today to formally name our next President, there has been some controversy surrounding electors and people from both sides of the party line trying to sway them in another direction. So just in case anyone wanted to nominate FamousDC to be an elector in the next …

Did Instagram Just rip-off Snapchat?
Today the wildly popular social media site, Instragam released its latest attraction entitled “Instagram Stories.” This new feature allows users to post a series of photos that expire after 24 hours as well as look at their friends “Instragram Stories.” What a minute… this concept sounds very familiar to me. …

Famous Five – Katy Ricalde
Few people can take a selfie, Tweet, Instagram and Snapchat… all at the same time. Katy Ricalde does it like it’s her job – because it is. Katy is the New Media Specialist for “Special Report with Bret Baier” which means not only does Katy advise Bret on which filter looks best …

What to Expect from the White House Snapchat Channel
It’s no secret that Obama has led a presidential legacy of many “firsts”. Luckily for us, many of those firsts have been on social media. His administration was the first to have presidential Twitter and Facebook accounts; and now he is gracing us with his presence on Snapchat. Love him …

Famous Rant: The DC Snapchat Story
The epicenter of power in Washington, D.C. isn’t on Capitol Hill or in sprawling K Street offices. It’s not even in DC. It’s in some trendy dot-com lounge in California where a tanned hipster in thick-rimmed glasses decides which snaps are worthy of the DC Snapchat Story. That kind of …

Congressional Snapchat Interview Compilation
What happens when FamousDC and members of Congress get together on Snapchat? Pure unadulterated magic. To land your congressional interview with FamousDC, email and follow @TheFamousDC on Snapchat. Related Links: DC Story Makes Snapchat Debut Snapchat Lunch and Learn with Rob Saliterman Exclusive Snapchat Interview with Congressman Will Hurd …

Snapchat: Lunch and Learn
Thanks to our friends at NJI Media and Bryant Row, FamousDC had the honor of co-hosting a very special event with Snapchat this week. Rob Saliterman, Snapchat’s director of political ad sales, paid us a visit and told us all about how the app is embedding advertisements into Snapchat stories, …

DC Story Makes Snapchat Debut
Yesterday, DC made its Snapchat debut with it’s very own Washington DC live story event. What does that mean? Snapchat uses geofencing so that users in the District can take photos and videos within the app and choose to upload them to the Washington DC “story” which is visible to the …
Do You, Charlie Rangel. Do You.
Rep Charlie Rangel is a Capitol Hill veteran and if there’s one thing that’s kept him going all these years, it’s doing things his own way. He sat down with us earlier today for a Snapchat interview. We knew he would be a joy to talk to but when he …

EXCLUSIVE Snapchat Interview with Congressman Will Hurd
We posted the best Congressional interview you’re going to see today on Snapchat. Congressman Hurd’s interview expires in 24 hours so you’d better get over to our Snapchat to see it. (Our handle is thefamousdc or scan the ghost below this preview video to check it out.) Check out …
Rand Paul Finds Medium for His Flat-Tax Message: Snapchat
The Politicians are all about snapchat, and Rand Paul is using it to promote his new flat tax plan. So if you happen to live in Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire or South Carolina, the first Snapchat ad for a presidential candidate has arrived.

The Idiot’s Guide to Using Snapchat
Let’s be honest: DC has needed to embrace Snapchat for a while now. (We’re looking at you, Anthony Weiner.) Not only will it let you sext your intern without getting caught,* but you can now make your boss look like one of the cool kids. Not surprisingly, Rand Paul (SenatorRandPaul) …
FamousDC Launches First Political and Public Affairs Snapchat Channel
We’re on Snapchat. You should be too.
Get on it and add us via username “TheFamousDC.”