Posts Tagged

Spend a Day in Shaw
This post was written by Kit Reynolds Rich with renovated row houses and vegan dinner options, the NW neighborhood, Shaw, charms visitors with its hip yet historic aesthetic and street art seemingly commissioned for Instagram. But Shaw is more than a shi-shi destination for newly-weds, but rather one of the …

CAVA’s Innovation Kitchen to Open in Shaw
CAVA is set to open its newest restaurant in Shaw tonight. This location will be CAVA’s Innovation Kitchen, a creative space where the brand will test new menu items and technology, and host community events. In celebration, the DC-born chain will offer free meals from 5pm-8pm on opening night. The rapidly expanding fast casual restaurant …

Just Keep Swimming
BREAKING NEWS: THE SUN IS FINALLY SHINING. What’s more of a shocker is that summer is basically here. Don’t kick yourself if you forgot this change in seasons – with temperatures barely above 60 and skies barely seen for the past 12,874 days, we don’t blame you. But let’s put the …

How to Conquer Shaw Beer by Beer
Grab a boot at Dacha Beer Garden Dacha Beer Garden is your “go-to” outdoor bar in the Shaw area. Rain or shine, this unique beer loving bar is always serving. They carry a vast array of German, Belgium, and American brews along with wines, ciders, and meads. Dacha welcomes people and …
This Has to Be an April Fool’s Joke – Right?
Please? Popville says it is an April Fool’s prank – read their reasoning.
Hyper Hill: Outer Ring
Shaw getting badass ice skating rink [Lake Shaw] Craft launched from DMV area orbiting [the moon] (presumably frog guts are also orbiting the moon) Future Alexandria hotel judged as [too big] Goodbye Anacostia Big Chair cafe [closing] Photo by Kevin Wolf
Famous Friday [Round Up]
Red lines, Blurred lines, Drunk pick-up lines. Can we just enjoy this weekend? Officially time to say bye bye to white and hello to fall; Congrats girl, it’s a girl!; Read this right now, or die; Cheers to Jim Scuitto on the new CNN gig; FOOTBALL; Who spotted Gene Sperling …
FamousDC’s Guide to Surviving DC
SO you just arrived to DC. Is it your first time here? Are you an intern? Are you a hopeless post-grad? Do you even know anyone? More importantly, does anyone know you? Here are some of your basic survival tips to make sure you don’t embarrass yourself in the District …