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A Very Merry Birthday Wish
Before we put all our focus on Santa this weekend, there’s another VIP out there who deserves our attention – and a spa day. Robin Shultz is fabulous wife to FamousDC’s fearless leader, Josh Shultz, mother to Natalie and Camden and, on this particular day, the birthday queen. Today, Robin’s #boss status reaches …

Morning Grind 12.15.16
FAMOUS FORECAST You’re going to need those office space heaters, warm cups of coffee and extra layers today because it’s a cold one folks! The sun may be shining but the wind is blowing bringing temperatures to a brutal 26 degrees which will continue to drop throughout the day getting …
Grinch Alert: Jerry Brown Says There Is No Santa Claus…
No California, there is no Santa Claus. Just ask your gubernatorial candidate and current attorney general Jerry Brown. Yesterday, on an extended interview with CNBC’s Jane Wells, Jerry dashed the hopes and dreams of however many children happened to be tuning in to the all business channel when he proudly …