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If you work on Capitol Hill you see, hear, and overhear many things that the rest of the mortal world isn’t privy to. These privileged professionals that serve our US government acquire a wealth of knowledge that sometimes is just too good not to share. We’ve provided a platform on …

It’s the final fantasy football rant of the year and I’m as excited to see this crap come to an end as you are.  It’s hard on a guy sucking this bad at something week in and week out, just ask the Redskins.After a long season of bad Chris Berman …

By: Brad Kanus There’s nothing better than fantasy football to get your mind off the rapidly collapsing social foundation of our nation. I’m still not able to keep solid food down since seeing a CNN report featuring my uncle Fred and my grandmother at a rally where the anchor accused …

Something on your mind? Need to Rant? Email Rantworthy: Open Letter to the Airline Industry Dear Airline Industry, It’s been a while since we talked and I’d like to address a few issues with you if you’ll take time out of your busy schedule of practicing the hammer throw …

**The below rant was submitted by a Capitol Hill Support staffer. Capitol Hill Staffers, We understand that you are more important than everyone else, your family included, but your lack of respect for Capitol Hill support staff is growing old. While it’s true that a comfy desk chair is key …

Memo To: WMATA, the guys who hand out the 37 different free papers at Metro Stations and the GW Kids Trying to Sell Me Krispy Kremes From: Ticked Off Metro Rider Re: You Suck … Every morning, I get up, take care of the assorted rituals that make me acceptable …

Here at FamousDC, we not only get tips, story ideas and other inappropriate electronic messages, but sometimes we’re sent very colorful emails from readers who simply want to rant about something that has them all fired up. The latest submission comes from Travis Hare.  And while his story is less …

It looks as if our tip line is working overtime these days.  The latest tip comes in the form of a rant.  Our favorite part, the “Global Warming” musical. A Congressional Sketch Is it getting hot in here? (Yes) Outside, the first snow of winter dusted Washington streets and a …

If your league is like mine, you’re in the second round of the playoffs where the next two games are combined.  This means it’s down to the wire and you need fantasy miracles that would dwarf the virgin birth of Jesus H. Christ. In one of my leagues (yes, I …

I can not believe that FamousDC is still focused on political crap given the crisis that is Fantasy Football. 1.  Last time I saw Tom Brady he was on a yellow road with a lion, talking oil can and some hot chick with braids – he was on his way …

Dear RCN Cable of Washington, DC Can you please tell me who won between the Cowboys and Eagles on Monday Night Football? I wouldn’t know, BECAUSE THE DAMN CABLE WENT OUT TWICE. I couldn’t even check online because your lovely internet service went down as well. I hate Comcast, but …

A very enraged reader sent our tip lines his rants from fantasy football week 1. Please enjoy: 1.  Why is FamousDC still blogging on politics when it’s clear that Al Queda has infiltrated the NFL and f’d the season for all. It’s not just injuries, it’s Grade A teams losing …

To: FDC My morning… So because it was drizzling this morning, I caught the shuttle bus from the Ford building over to Longworth on my walk into work. The nice bus driver lady had on Majic 102.3 (no, not kidding, ‘Majic’ with a ‘J”) and the Tom Joyner Morning Show …

Dear Mayor Fenty, Thank you so much for putting meters in all of the DC cabs- as if we didn’t pay enough in taxes.  Lord knows the city workers need more money to embezzle. After all, they do have luxury cars to buy. I figured I’d let you know that …

Dear NRSC, You raised over $13.5 million dollars last night for the President’s Dinner, but you only had one freaking bar! I saw Members of Congress give up on the bar line after standing there for 20 minutes with no service. Four bartenders for 500+ people?  If you never intended …