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Betsy Rothstein finds all the good dish: McCainBlogette:”I am so over men in DC making judgments about my life. seriously, I will never wear pantsuits and pearls and live the kind of life ur… McCainBlogette: “comfortable women in politics living. And although u dont like me, talk to ur mom, …

We should note, while the editors of FDC aren’t necessarily wordsmiths, several of our loyal readers are. This is a comment that was posted a few days ago and we thought it deserved a little front page action. We hope you enjoy PhoenixSunsPhan’s post from election night: Famous DC gurus …

Good insight from several perspectives. [another WaPost powered blog] The metal detectors were cumbersome but we understood; the nerds who decided to make opening day a political scene were worse. If I had a nickel for each person who made the “Bush messes everything up” joke while waiting on line, …