Posts Tagged
Presidential race

Morning Grind 8.11.16
FAMOUS FORECAST SOB it’s hot! 93 degrees coming your way with those rays of sunshine blinding D.C. today. THURSDAY JAM Brought to you by Tazewell Jones of Bryant Row. When we asked our colleague Noelle Clemente to pick today’s #ThrowbackThursday Song of the Day, she didn’t hesitate with her response…probably because she nailed …

Morning Grind 8.09.16
FAMOUS FORECAST It’s nice to have a break from the 98 degree weather, horrific humidity, and freak hail storms. Enjoy the 81 degrees and overcast skies today Washington! MONDAY JAM Brought to you by Tazwell Jones of Bryant Row. Congrats on kicking Monday’s butt! Now it’s time to stay strong and crush through …

Morning Grind 8.01.16
FAMOUS FORECAST At least your case of the Monday’s isn’t worsened by sh*tty weather. It’s gonna reach 88 degrees today with that sun shining loud and proud. MONDAY JAM Brought to you by Tazwell Jones of Bryant Row. If you aren’t making time in your life for live music, you’re really missing out. Washington’s …

Morning Grind 7.21.16
FAMOUS FORECAST Annnndddd the heat is back – like we actually thought it was going to cool off for a while. Psh. A whopping 90 degrees today with 76% humidity. Be sure to bring your koozies to happy hour! THURSDAY JAM Brought to you by Paige Gress of NJI Media. Mustang Sally will …

The Politicians Who Won’t Attend the RNC or DNC
There’s a lot of buzz about who isn’t at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland this week. There are a few former candidates we’re really missing out here, too: 1. Wacka Flocka Flame The rapper announced his presidential candidacy on 4/20/2015. Nice, dude. His overarching platform point, shockingly, was to legalize …

10 Reasons Why Harrison Ford Would Make a Better President Than Hillary or Trump
Although he has been called many names over the years — Han Solo, Indiana Jones, President James Marshall, Jack Ryan, Dr. Richard Kimble — Harrison Ford is known as an American patriot who possesses every critical fiber of political swagger one needs to capture the 2016 presidency. In a time …

Slacks From Hillary
Bernie was right when he said that the American people were sick and tired of hearing about Hillary’s damn emails. I mean what is this, 1995? Who even emails anymore? Between texting, snapping and the, dare I say, old fashioned person-to-person communication, Hillz needs something a little more hip and cool to, you know, …

Friday Round Up
Weather: Alright, it’s still April so all this watery stuff falling from the sky and the 50-60 degree temperatures all weekend are still somewhat acceptable…maybe. Those May flowers better be epic. Awesome events you can attend this weekend: The Famous Maggie Rose will be at 9:30 on Saturday night; Head over to Georgetown …

America Is Swiping Left
Over the weekend, presidential candidate and household name, Jeb Bush announced he was suspending his campaign and dropping out of the race. He joins the likes of Rand Paul, Mike Huckabee, Martin O’Malley, Rick Santorum, and many MANY more who have failed to charm their way into America’s hearts. We …

FamousDC meets FamousCLE
So- we went to Cleveland, and threw an epic party. We’d like to say a very special thank you to GOPAC Education Fund and American Freedom Builders for allowing us to partner with them for this awesome event. The night would not have been possible without their incredibly generous support. …

How to Run for Office in the United States
It seems like everyday we have a new politician announcing their candidacy for the 2016 presidential race. Is there some sort of unwritten guide that us common folk haven’t cued in on? We nailed down a few key steps that will surely have you on your way to joining the federal government as an elected official, whether in the Oval Office or House Office Buildings.
Photo Finish: “May Not End For Weeks”
Let the gut punching continue. The Associated Press (2/6, Pickler) reports, “With a split decision on Super Tuesday, Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama have entered into a protracted campaign that may not end for weeks. This isn’t how it was supposed to play out in the compressed primary calendar. …
Johnny is done
MSNBC Is Reporting John Edwards Will Drop Out Of The Race UPDATE: The Associated Press