Posts Tagged
presidential election

And The 45th President of the United States of America is…
You’ve heard of early voting, but you’re probably unfamiliar with early winning (or at least you weren’t until Bush and Trump got talking). But despite these unpredictable candidates and this very predictable election outcome, we’ve found some theories that predict the President well before election day. No wonder voting rates …

Was That A Threat?
At a campaign rally in Wilmington, N.C. today, Donald Trump said something… interesting/concerning/possibly terrifying. As he was discussing Hillary’s possible picks for the Supreme Court, he said this: “Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish the Second Amendment. By the way, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do folks. …
You Thought Hillary’s 404 Was Amazing
Wait until you see this guy’s. We’re not going to spoil it for you. Click it.
Campaign Apparel Stepped Up Its Game
All politics aside, will there be better campaign apparel than this for the 2016 election? Because this is pretty great. From the Hillary Clinton shop: Bringing a whole new meaning to casual Friday.* *Pantsuit bottoms not included.

The Hill and Politico Agree: Best of FamousDC is Awesome
We would love to thank Megan R. Wilson at The Hill and Tarini Parti at Politico for the coverage of our Best of FamousDC Political Digital List and party. Wilson wrote in the Hill: With 2016 election season underway, Beltway insider blog FamousDC has launched a database of Washington’s most …
Hillary’s Inbox, Hacked Again
The folks over at Cloture Club hacked into Hillary’s inbox: We got access to some emails that weren’t in the initial leak. Check them out below. From: Chelsea Subj: Mom seriously can you babysit tonight – Mom. To: Ben Smith Subj: Feeling fierce/cat meme To: Bill Subj: Can …
Your WTF of the Week: This Makes Total Sense
Oh boy… On the heels of that news, Public Policy Polling released this shocking nugget on its blog: "a 52% majority of GOP voters nationally think that ACORN stole the Presidential election for Barack Obama last year. [move on] A majority of Americans also blame ACORN for their bad mood …
Ben Smith in the Bag
We should have seen this one coming. Politico’s Ben Smith was coaching Hillary on how to exit the race with grace pretty early and now he’s given us another example of how much of Team Obama supporter he is. Ben Smith: Obama Brings a Gun to a Knife Fight Obama …