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Famous Five – Climbing Capitol Hill
Famous Five – Climbing The Hill Co-authors, Amos Snead and Jaime Harrison Wait… a Republican and a Democrat not only worked together, but WROTE A WHOLE BOOK TOGETHER? We sat down with #ClimbingTheHill co-authors Amos Snead and Jaime Harrison to learn what it takes to excel on #CapitolHill – especially …

Monthly Round Up: November
November had quite the share of epicness. From Election Day to a national day of eating until we can’t move, this month was filled with reasons to celebrate (read: drink). Before we dive into awkward holiday work parties, let’s take a look back. Monthly Round Ups: October | September | August …

We Took a Field Trip
If you haven’t been checking our Snapchat religiously (shame on you) (it’s thefamousdc), you wouldn’t know that we went on a field trip yesterday. We took a big yellow school bus (not really) to the Newseum! It’s one of the most incredible museums in the District, and we checked out …

Not in Cleveland? Here’s What to Do in DC This Week.
Who would’ve thought a place like Cleveland, Ohio would be giving you fomo while you’re stuck in the nation’s capitol? I mean, granted we are kinda killing it here in the CLE, there’s tons of things to do in DC to keep you preoccupied. And don’t worry, we made sure …

Make Birthdays Great Again With These Trump Inspired Memes
The Donald lives to see another year, and while he may now be older, we’re pretty confident that he’s not any wiser. To celebrate the Republican Presidential Nominee’s birthday, we’ve made some Trump-inspired meme’s for you to give your loved ones on their special day. For the milestone birthday: …

Friday Round Up
Weather: Washingtonians are tough! We survived the mountains of snow and the monsoons that rained down for three weeks. After all that, it is finally paying off with that sweet smell of summer giving us temps in the 80’s and sunshine all weekend! Awesome events you can attend this weekend: Grab tickets …

Friday Round Up
Weather: Prepare yourself for the monsoon that is about to hit the district. 100% chance of downpours all day Saturday and Sunday with temperatures in the 60’s. That rain gear is getting put to good use this spring. Awesome events you can attend this weekend: It’s all about the beer. Hit up …

Morning Grind 5.11.16
FAMOUS FORECAST The rain continues! DC is returning to it’s former glory…a swamp. MONDAY JAM Brought to you by Taz Jones of Bryant Row. We know you’re special, but sometimes everyone needs a helping hand. You’re going to need a killer soundtrack to crush through Wednesday, and the solution is (always) to blast …

Oh, What A Night.
How’s your hangover? Ours is still kicking and we’re confident it will see us through the rest of the week. This past Saturday was the 2016 White House Correspondents’ Dinner, but the partying started well before the weekend and Sunday hangovers were nursed with more booze and brunch. It was the eighth and final …

Famous 5: Sabrina Siddiqui
Sabrina Siddiqui, formerly of the Huffington Post, is currently a political reporter for The Guardian – but you already know that because you follow her on Twitter. She’s a fierce journalist, power woman, political devotee (shocking), foodie, and lover of all things fluffy. Naturally, we had just had to know MORE about Sabrina so …

Life on the Campaign Trail: Field Director
During an election year, the campaign trail receives constant coverage. That attention typically surrounds those folks campaigning for office, as it is important that we get to know the person we’re electing – everything from their fiscal policies to their hairstyles are scrutinized by the media. What is often forgotten, however, …

The 20 Craziest Things You Can Buy From the Presidential Candidates’ Online Shops
It used to be that if you supported a particular candidate, you wore their pin. Needless to say, those days are long gone, and getting the bragging rights for the best presidential contender swag has become a competition of its own. Last year, The New York Times criticized Ted Cruz’s …

Famous Friday Round Up
#WEEKEND Weather: We hate to say it but this weekend looks dreary. Skies will be mostly cloudy with a chance of rain on Saturday and Sunday – perfect weekend to binge on the new House of Cards season if you ask us. Awesome events you can attend this weekend: Hit …

Generation Progress Delivers A Lesson in Civics to the Senators of the Judiciary Committee
Generation Progress descended on Capitol Hill this morning to deliver an important message to eleven Senators of the Judiciary Committee. The group of 30 – 40 young professionals thought the message would be best delivered in the form of a lesson, as apparently these Senators have forgotten how a certain aspect …

Meet the Cast of Capitol Hill
If you work on Capitol Hill you see, hear, and overhear many things that the rest of the mortal world isn’t privy to. These privileged professionals that serve our US government acquire a wealth of knowledge that sometimes is just too good not to share. We’ve provided a platform on …