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A good lesson in speeting. [speed tweeting]. h/t RTHowell

We’ve seen it all this week: debt ceiling rappers, cars catching on fire and interns using fake blackberries to woo the ladies. But this takes the cake: The White House is using its Twitter machine to Rick Roll people. Seriously. Double h/t @dasmart @bryanta

David Drucker has a near 100% email open rate due to his addictive subject lines – something even Obama can’t claim. Just a few: Rhinestone Cowboy Mama Said Knock You Out Harry Kerry Trading Places Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself We agree with Fishbowl’s suggestion and only wish he …

Press flack says not so fast to NY Times headline, NBC RTs.

Obama shows us his musical side. H/T The Fantastic Faces of Barack Obama Blog

Just for kicks, we took the transcript from Obama’s Twitter Townhall and then removed Jack Dorsey’s questions and all the side notes (Laughter, Applause, THE PRESIDENT, etc). The total number of words used by President Obama in his answers was about 8,519 — or roughly 38,703 characters. Translation, at 140 …

Trying  to outdo Anthony Weiner, Mark Halperin called President Obama a “dick” on Morning Joe today. Halperin quickly apologized on air, and on twitter and again on air. The apologies just keep coming. MSNBC Statement: Halperin’s comments … were completely inappropriate & unacceptable. We apologize to the President/WH/our viewers. MSNBC …

This is for Erica Elliott, Freddy Barnes & Jeff Ostermayer

“You see me rollin…”

Last time Obama ran for president, he raked in record amounts of cash, this time around, he has to get creative.  [long form t-shirts] h/t @ericwilson via @benpolitico

As Republican presidential contenders scramble to fill positions [and figure out whether or not they should run], the Obama campaign has already settled on their Digital Director.  Teddy Goff will lead the online efforts for Obama’s re-elect. Landing Goff is a huge get for the Obama campaign. [Tech President] Teddy …

If you have yet to figure out that C-SPAN is a dominant new media force, this should help: C-SPAN’s WHCD video featuring President Obama’s remarks, has been viewed on YouTube over 7,200,000 times.  This means it has now surpassed the previous most-viewed Obama video on YouTube, the March 18, 2008 …

The only person who can WIN more than Nick Saban is heading down South to help. @CharlieSheen: And we’ll know by minute 50 if he stays longer than President Obama.

So who’s upset about Obama’s “Carnival Barkers” remarks yesterday? You guessed it… Carnival Barkers Slam Obama’s Sideshow Remarks When President Obama released his birth certificate on Wednesday morning, he may have thought he was closing the door on controversy. Instead, he ended up starting controversy anew — with America’s carnival …