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Morning Grind 12.02.16
FAMOUS FORECAST It’s a tad bit chilly outside this AM with temperatures currently at 45 and only reaching a high of 51 later this afternoon, but at least the sunshine is here for the day! WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW U.S. Chamber of Commerce hosts start studded evening honoring IP …

Morning Grind 12.01.16
FAMOUS FORECAST It’s officially December so we’re all beginning to wonder when the snow and low temps are going to move in. Well, that day isn’t today! Temps in the high 50’s with sunshine throughout the morning and afternoon, making this a beautiful fall day. WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW …

Monthly Round Up: November
November had quite the share of epicness. From Election Day to a national day of eating until we can’t move, this month was filled with reasons to celebrate (read: drink). Before we dive into awkward holiday work parties, let’s take a look back. Monthly Round Ups: October | September | August …
Famously Quoteworthy: Steny Hoyer Unplugged
According to Paul Bedard, Charlie Cook recently eluded that the Democrats could suffer a 30-40 seat lost in November, stating, “it could be worse if the current anti-incumbent and anti-Democrat trend continues. Republicans need to pick up 41 seats to take back the majority.” [Washington Whispers] Asked about it yesterday, …
FamousDC November
Mary Bottari Juliana Brint Matthew Forke Missy Gibbons Eric Kuhn Kristie Muchnok Elizabeth Manresa Meagan McCanna Patrick O’Brien Ashley Prime
FamousDC – November
Jamie Harrison Peter Corbett Andrea Rodgers Jennifer Crider Courtney Kolb Kristen Soltis Jill Chappell Davis White Mary Katharine Ham Ryan Grim