Posts Tagged
nikki schwab

11 Female Journalists to Follow on Twitter
UPDATE: We added an 11th! Popular opinion shows that girls run the world – popular opinions being Beyonce and every female ever. Ask anyone and whoever disagrees just didn’t hear the question. Since social media is real life, we can only assume this also applies to Twitter, a place where women can freely …
Feasting Famously with Nikki Schwab
A beer snob with a reporting problem gives us the scoop on the best bars to be seen, not seen, and her yeas and nays on entertaining.
If you’ve been in DC for more than an hour, you probably know Nikki Schwab, or at least of her. You definitely have seen her work all those times you were stuck on the Red Line, and you’ve certainly seen her out and about at all of the District’s hottest parties and events, either covering them for a story, hiding in the bushes stalking celebrities, or imbibing beverages because it’s DC and that’s what we do.
Famously Quoteworthy: Nikki Schwab Dreams About Bristol
Some people dream of Jeannie, others dream about Bristol Palin … “Had a dream about Bristol Palin last night. She lived in my closet with baby Tripp and asked me to get her a rum and coke.” She adds, “This is when you know your job has consumed your life…” …
Hanging Out at Bookstores Can Make You Famous
Nikki Schwab and Tara Palmeri: The media circus surrounding ‘Game Change’ Talk about a lucky find. … It was about 8 p.m. Friday when the Atlantic’s Marc Ambinder walked into the Kramerbooks in Dupont Circle to meet a friend. He noticed a copy of John Heilemann’s and Mark Halperin’s new …