Posts Tagged
New York Times

Friday Round Up
#GUESTEDITOR MEGAN WILSON Journalist at The Hill “They say that personnel is policy, and I’ve got a bottle of whiskey under my desk. Happy hour starts when the Roundup goes out, right?“ Weather: Near-record highs all weekend long ought to work nicely with your sunny day outfit selections and beverage pairings (read: …
Hyper Hill: Flagging Behind
“The New York Times is reconsidering its long-standing plan to create an early morning political tipsheet [POLITICO has learned“] SCOTUSblog just can’t catch a break [denied credentials again] NPR crowding Matt Laslo’s space [MD gubernatorial beer preferences] Chris Brown is trying to [make a deal] Marion Barry hears “Yogurt Tax” …
36 Hours in DC: New York Times Guide
Jennifer Steinhauer wrote an gorgeous guide to a weekend exploring the greater Capitol Hill neighborhood as part of their famous 36 Hours series. Now you can brag to your friends from out of town that all your favorite places are now justified by the Gray Lady herself. We went ahead and mapped it for you below with her perspective at every location so you can rediscover the magic that is D.C.
NYT Snowlapse Video
Our snowstorm was such a big deal the New York times made a time lapsed video of the precipitation centered on Farragut Square, set to some dreamy snow music.
NY Times Discovers Longworth Cafeteria
Which staffers do you recognize in this picture? He who can leave for an extensive lunch is not writing a bill, strong-arming a senator, hectoring a committee witness or doing a spot on Fox Business Network. Let the low-level staff members trek to Seventh Street for pizza. Senator Harry Reid …
FamousDC through the lens of Tom Williams
Emily Heil checks out her Roll Call “fake front page” during her going away party at Irish Times on Capitol Hill, Wednesday. She heads to the Washington Post’s “In the Loop” column after 4 years with Roll Call. Carl Hulse, freshly named New York Times deputy Washington bureau chief, is …
Famously Tweeted: But Who Wore It Better?
But who went to print first? @pwgavin The journalistic equivalent of wearing the same dress to the party.
BREAKING: Some Campaign Reporters are Young
New York Times: Covering 2012, Youths on the Bus The journalists were mostly in their 20s, learning the basics: never get too close to a source; master the art of eating while driving; never rely on a hotel wake-up call.
Twitter Changing the Way We Disseminate Important Information
Press flack says not so fast to NY Times headline, NBC RTs.
The Dirty Secrets Behind SEO
Fascinating read by David Segal. New York Times: Search Optimization and Its Dirty Little Secrets If you own a Web site, for instance, about Chinese cooking, your site’s Google ranking will improve as other sites link to it. The more links to your site, especially those from other Chinese cooking-related …
Fake Twitter Accounts = Beltway LOL
New York Times’ Ashley Parker: Fake Twitter Accounts Get Real Laughs The person behind the handle @DCJourno, who would not reveal his identity and agreed to be interviewed only via e-mail, said that he started the account in the hope that it might make its targets a bit more self-aware. …
Best Correction of the Week
New York Times: The Will to Drill Correction: February 6, 2011 An article on Jan. 16 about drilling for oil off the coast of Angola erroneously reported a story about cows falling from planes, as an example of risks in any engineering endeavor.No cows, smuggled or otherwise, ever fell from …
Welcome Back
We hope you enjoyed the break. What did you talk about over the grill? Triage or Playboy? Jeff Zeleny & Carl Hulse: Democrats Plan Political Triage to Retain House Eddie Kim: Salahi to Auction State Dinner Dress, Pose in Playboy
Famous 5: Shira Toeplitz
Meet Shira Toeplitz. She writes Shop Talk for CQ – Roll Call and heads over to POLITICO in a few weeks. As she’s preparing for the move, Shira spared a few minutes for a FamousDC Famous 5. 1. Today is actually your birthday, what is the best b-day gift you’ve …