Posts Tagged
Neda Semnani.
Neda is on Her A-Game … in Paris
Neda Semnani, incredible human and excellent writer generally, wrote this beautiful piece for The Week, this week. …In Paris, I told myself, writers must never fear the blank page or the blinking cursor. In Paris, the stories just write themselves. For a long time, I convinced myself that to …
Famous Birthday Wishes
Happy Birthday to all the October kids this week: Neda Semnani Phillip Herndon Blair Milligan Antonia Ferrier Carl Thorsen
Famous Friday [Round-Up]
Vote Neda Semnani, hot Cheetos and Takis, Tommy McFly is working even though he’s injured, heading to the Convention? – hit us up with your tales, Robert Earl Keen rocked The Hamilton, Michael Kaplan never chats us anymore, Catherine Gatewood hearts Twitter, Ron Bonjean turned 29 today, be careful about raging on the machine, …
Spring Fever Sprang Last Night
Last night’s FamousDC / Resonate Happy Hour was a huge success thanks to our generous sponsors, which included Resonate, Weyerhaeuser, Roll Call, NJI Media and Story Partners. A few observations: Clinton Yates thinks RG3 is a nerd, but is OK with that. People in their early 20s still hit up Adams …
FishbowlDC Interview With Neda Semnani & Warren Rojas
Roll Call’s Heard on the Hill duo recently answered some questions for FishbowlDC. Funny stuff. If you were a combined carbonated beverage, which would you be? WR: Scotch and soda. NS: Champagne in a can. How often do you Google yourself? WR: Every few (Hold, please) … (Okay, back now) …
Famous Friday [Round Up]
Cloture Club’s Epic Holiday Reception List almost broke the interwebs, Pedi cabs are the new black, Bret Manley on his A-game, 50 pundits worth following from now through the election, MKH >Kilimanjaro, Neda Semnani and Warren Rojas spent the week hunting, what’s playing in Jack Smith’s iPod?, Brian Williams handles …
Heard on the Hill: ’Tis the Season for Trash Talk
HOH’s One-Minute Recess: ’Tis the Season for Trash Talk By Neda Semnani Sept. 12, 2011, 12:37 p.m. Whether on a chamber floor, in a committee hearing or at happy hour, Hill folk are known for big talk and bigger egos. So it is no surprise, perhaps, that the start of …

Roll Call: Hopeful Happy Hour
Roll Call’s Neda Semnani: Hopeful Happy Hour To mark one of the most surreal times in Congress, FamousDC and Roll Call threw a happy hour of hope at Cava Mezze on Eighth Street and people came … including an Australian bloke in shorts and a bow tie who wants to buy …
Roll Call Taste of America Championship
FamousDC scored a ticket to the Taste of America Championship, where we got to hang out with Chef Spike while noshing on a runza (yes, we didn’t know what it was either–think beef in a dough pocket). Congrats to Northern Mariana Islands for taking home the trophy–which was a tad …
Famously Interviewed: Neda Semnani
Meet Neda Semnani. She recently took over the Heard on the Hill beat for Roll Call. She was nice enough to answer a few questions for us about her plans for HOH … and Emily Heil’s feet. Photo Courtesy of Tom Williams Q. You’re filling the shoes of a long …