Posts Tagged
NBC news

Friday Round Up
#GUESTEDITOR Andrew Rafferty Political Reporter at NBC News “Yesterday I turned 30. Today I am formally endorsing whatever healthcare bill covers Vitaminwater and everything bagels and won’t treat a hangover as a pre-existing condition.“ Weather: Welp, winter decided to show up just in time for the days that we like …
Friday Round Up
Weather: You thought you’d just roll right into spring without winter, didn’t you? Well, that’s not the case – at least for this weekend, as DC is back on track toward winter temperatures. The rest of today will see clouds and a slight breeze with highs in the mid 40s and …

Oh, What A Night.
How’s your hangover? Ours is still kicking and we’re confident it will see us through the rest of the week. This past Saturday was the 2016 White House Correspondents’ Dinner, but the partying started well before the weekend and Sunday hangovers were nursed with more booze and brunch. It was the eighth and final …

FamousDC Continues to Expand With New Video Series, Managing Editor
Kathryn Lyons joins from NBC News Washington, DC – FamousDC today named Kathryn Lyons as Managing Editor of the growing media company. In this new role, Kathryn will launch a brand new video series and oversee all content. Kathryn and the FamousDC video series, like all FamousDC content, will provide …
Shawna Thomas Moves to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave
A little DC bureau news for the almost famous… Capitol Hill producer (and softball player, karaoke singer) Shawna Thomas (@ShawnaNBCNews) is taking her talents to the White House. FamousDC scooped the announcement from Antoine Sanfuentes, NBC News VP and Washington Bureau Chief: It is my pleasure to announce that Shawna …
FamousDC through the lens of Tom Williams
Brianna Keilar, left, of CNN, and Shawna Thomas of NBC News, lead the crowd in a karaoke rendition of Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believin’” at the Ugly Mug on Barrack’s Row after the third annual Congressional Women’s Softball game held June 23, 2011, at Watkins Recreation Center on Capitol Hill. The …
NBC Nightly News Tries To Pass Washington DC Shopper Off for Washington State Shopper
The backdrop is clearly P St. in Logan Circle, outside Whole Foods. h/t JG UPDATE: We received an official statement from NBC Nightly News spokeswoman Erika Masonhall: “A thorough investigation reveals this was an honest newsroom mix-up. We always appreciate how observant ‘Nightly’ viewers are — thanks for watching, and …