Posts Tagged
Michael Ramlet

Friday Round Up
#MANAGINGEDITOR KATHRYN LYONS Managing Editor at FamousDC Weather: You’ve probably already gotten wet once today – and you’ll probably get wet again. The rain is sticking around for the better part of today into tomorrow. Highs are in the low 60s and lows are in the upper 40s which makes …

Famous Congratulations Michael Ramlet and Brook Hougesen #RamletsGetMarried
Michael Ramlet once again out-kicked his coverage and pulled off one of the greatest upsets in history when he convinced Brook Hougesen to walk down the aisle with him Saturday in Chicago. The wedding party included some of the best dancers from Washington, D.C. Famously Spotted: Lisa Kramer, Rob …

Famous Friday Round Up
Famous Friday Round Up BONJEAN HOLIDAY PARTY As many of our readers at FamousDC know, the Bonjean Holiday Party has turned into the event of the season. It’s widely attended by the who’s who of Washington DC and features amazing food, delicious beverages, great conversation and an always interesting D-list celebrity. They …