Posts Tagged
marin cogan

11 Female Journalists to Follow on Twitter
UPDATE: We added an 11th! Popular opinion shows that girls run the world – popular opinions being Beyonce and every female ever. Ask anyone and whoever disagrees just didn’t hear the question. Since social media is real life, we can only assume this also applies to Twitter, a place where women can freely …

2016 FamousDC Media Ticket
FRATES-MOE LEADERSHIP IS #FML2016 Forget Trump and Hillary. We need candidates for the highest office that we can trust. Americans are looking for another way. Another path. A new avenue. New blood. New leadership. And who do we all trust more than anyone else? The media…obviously. That is why FamousDC is excited to …

Famous 5: Marin Cogan
If you don’t receive a tiny letter from Marin Cogan every now and then, you should probably rethink your life choices. She’s an award winning journalist based in DC and has a portfolio filled with some impressive ink. Currently a Contributing Editor at New York Magazine, Marin has also left her mark at GQ, ESPN The …
Now the Romney Logo Makes Total Sense
JWN was the first to report that a private plane stopped in Janesville, Wisconsin last night. Paul Ryan, the video loving Member of Congress, will be Mitt Romney’s Vice President nominee. Will he be the first sitting Vice President to rock out to grunge music on his iPod during the …
Famous 5: Marin Cogan
Meet Marin Cogan, GQ’s Political Correspondent. Marin took a couple minutes between chasing down Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney to answer a few questions for one of our Famous 5 interviews. 1. How did you land the sexiest political reporting gig in DC? It all began very sexily: with an …