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Washington Life Identifies the Young and the Talented of DC
Every year, Washington Life Magazine compiles a list of the young movers and shakers who are making names for themselves in the capital. For their eleventh annual list this year, they’ve highlighted over 300 of DC’s most talented folks under forty. Shawna Thomas, Daniel Lippman, Rebecca Berg, and Luke Russert – all …

Every Female Hill Staffer’s Fear: Lobbyists Who Hug
While we all know it is not unusual for some male lobbyists to lack serious boundaries with female Hill staffers, there is a growing trend among K Streeters that seems to circumvent professionalism…and enraged me enough to delay writing a constituent letter or two, and write this. In the past …
Lobbyist New Year’s Resolutions
Cliff aka Precipice aka Crag aka Bluff – Thanks to the good graces of Congress and their ability to problem solve, we find ourselves faced with another “cliff” two mere months away. While major kudos should go to Ben Bernanke for coining “fiscal cliff,” we feel it is time to move …
DC’s Top Lobbyists
In case you missed it, The Hill came out with their list of 2012’s Top Lobbyists yesterday. A few of the familiar faces include: Tucker Foote, MasterCard; Bryan Anderson, Southern Company; Joel Kaplan, Facebook; Kent Knutson, Home Depot; Matt Tanielian, Franklin Square Group; Sam Geduldig, Clark Lytle Geduldig & Cranford; …
Beltway Talking Point: Frank Rich vs. K Street
Mr. Rich spends 1,500 words to speak of American excess and how it relates to K Street today. Give this a quick read so you’ll be armed and ready for this week’s cocktail circuit. Frank Rich (NY Times Op-Ed Columnist): The Rabbit Ragu Democrats
NPR Turns Camera On Lobbyists – Will They Start Wearing Disguises?
Has This Ever Happened Before? NPR turns the cameras on the lobbyists and calls out how much their firms make. Spot the lobbyists? Spot the Gucci? Where’s Waldo [and his lobbying disclosures] ? If they keep this up, we bet they’ll lose a few corporate donations next year. UPDATE: A …
Lobbyists Use Homeless As Line Sitters [Stay Classy, DC]
The wait to get a seat at an important congressional hearing can last days, but big time lobbyists have found a loophole: they’re paying to have the homeless hold their places. Jason Bellini reports in this video column for The Daily Beast. Outrage! As if we needed another reason to …
Fair and Balanced Cartoons
Gary Trudeau was so outraged that McCain had lobbyists advising him that he decided to run a cartoon per day naming each of the now famous K-streeters. Now, while his cartoon was happy to nail the GOPers, he’s not doing the same for Obama. Where are the Doonesbury cartoons now? …
As Seen on TV: Political Attacks
We’ve all been witness to those classic infomercials that come on late at night after you’ve reluctantly left the bar, only to go home to cook Beefaroni and have a nice little Jack and Coke before bed – when all of a sudden you turn on the television and decide …
K Street Cartoons
Did you see any of your FamousDC K Street friends, colleagues, or relatives in today’s Doonesbury?
Boulder Police Pissed Denver Cops Are Having All the Fun
So to prove they’re still bored relevant, they arrested an ABC News reporter for doing their job. Cuffs and everything. h/t RedState UPDATE: FishbowlDC has much more – including pictures. Cuz they’re that good.
Out the revolving door?
Anne Schroder at the Politico has posed a very interesting question. What top-floor K Street lobby shop is losing employees by the bucketload? Rumor has it the firm lost at least 14 people in 18 months and, as of yesterday, its website didn’t work. Any guesses?