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Socially Anxious Staffer Ranks 5 of D.C.’s Most Crowded Locales
Sometimes our beautiful city can get a little, shall we say, crowded- remember that time the Pope visited? So we sent our most anxiety-prone staffer to scout out the very worst times and places for socially anxious people. Enjoy (or hyperventilate) accordingly. Oh jeez, oh man. Okay, you can do …
Famous Friday [Round Up]
Red lines, Blurred lines, Drunk pick-up lines. Can we just enjoy this weekend? Officially time to say bye bye to white and hello to fall; Congrats girl, it’s a girl!; Read this right now, or die; Cheers to Jim Scuitto on the new CNN gig; FOOTBALL; Who spotted Gene Sperling …
Hanging Out at Bookstores Can Make You Famous
Nikki Schwab and Tara Palmeri: The media circus surrounding ‘Game Change’ Talk about a lucky find. … It was about 8 p.m. Friday when the Atlantic’s Marc Ambinder walked into the Kramerbooks in Dupont Circle to meet a friend. He noticed a copy of John Heilemann’s and Mark Halperin’s new …