Posts Tagged
Kevin Madden

Famous Friday Round Up
Famous Friday Round Up BONJEAN HOLIDAY PARTY As many of our readers at FamousDC know, the Bonjean Holiday Party has turned into the event of the season. It’s widely attended by the who’s who of Washington DC and features amazing food, delicious beverages, great conversation and an always interesting D-list celebrity. They …
Ochocinco Wants to Meet Romney
If Chad Ochocinco was still with Cincy, something tells us Bengals fan Kevin Madden could have made this happen. @MittRomney Excuse Mr. Romney i’d like to have a 30 minute sit down with u. If u’re available I’d love for my followers to hear ur thoughts. — Chad Ochocinco (@ochocinco) …
Did T-Paw Just Kick Off the 2012 Race?
JoMa: Pawlenty preps 2012 campaign team And behind the scenes, he’s engaged in a far more subtle campaign against another possible presidential rival. … Pawlenty has been phoning aides and advisers to Romney’s 2008 campaign, ostensibly to introduce himself and solicit their advice. … One midlevel Romney aide who got …
Michael Steele: I was talking. I was grooving. I was having a ball.
As part of C-SPAN’s "Students & Leaders" program showing next week, C-SPAN recently taped RNC chairman Michael Steele talking to students at Woodson Senior High School in DC. During Mr. Steele’s presentation, he tells Woodson students how we got kicked out of Johns Hopkins. He tells the students: "I partied …
#FDC SW Twitter Bracket Kicks Off Now!
View the bracket here. We had quite a battle in the NW bracket, but now it’s time to turn our attention to the gamers in the SW bracket. *Note, NW winners announced shortly. Stay tuned. SW Match ups: @erickaandersen vs. @robklause @BetsyMTP vs. @TheSleuth @kevinmaddendc vs. @robertjameson @GStephanopoulos vs. @joeNBC …
#FDC Twitter Challenge SW Quadrant
While the competition winds down for the NW quadrant, this is a reminder that the competition for the SW quadrant begins today at 4pm. Today’s match ups include: @erickaandersen vs. @robklause @BetsyMTP vs. @TheSleuth @kevinmaddendc vs. @robertjameson @GStephanopoulos vs. @joeNBC @thefix vs. @Jess3 @leslieann44 vs. @jdickerson @levydr vs. @craig_crawford @pwgavin …
Inside Baseball: Mini-Maddog Coaches A-Roid
It seems as if Alex Rodriguez has called on Republican communicators to help coach him through his latest PR nightmare. No, not the one that suggests that Madonna occasionally lets him steal home, but the one that has him apologizing for injecting banned substances into his derriere. One of the …
Jon Stewart Makes Fun of Your Drinking Buddies
How many local FamousDC people do you know in this one Daily Show clip? And how many of them will feature it on their Facebook page?
Who is FamousDC?
We’re often asked – who is FamousDC? Good question… FamousDC is that District celebrity that everyone stops to talk to when they’re sitting outside of Sonoma, but someone no one will recognize outside the beltway. They‘re someone who is behind the scenes and just below the radar. Like an approps …
Just For Madden
An FDC tipster writes: “Kevin Madden is on CNN and he’s definitely dying his hair. Perhaps he’s also working on an endorsement deal.” Is it true?
Kevin Madden Asks: What About Me?
MEMO TO GOV. PALIN, FROM THE DESK OF KEVIN MADDEN: “What about Kevin Six-Pack? Why am I always overlooked and neglected? Everyone always focuses on Joe. Joe, Joe, Joe. It’s all I ever heard growing up. Kevin Six-Pack votes too, y’know.”[playbook] Madden’s memo was in reference to Gov. Palin trying …
Kevin Madden Answers the Age-Old Question…
Why do white chicks like the McCain/Palin ticket. His answer is part of Politico’s new “Arena” feature. One which we’re going to have a lot of fun with. “These women voters look at John McCain and they see someone they instinctively trust and have confidence in.” -Madden In short, white …
Ovechkin Hits the Sunday Show Circuit
Ovechkin wins game 1 for the Caps and spends Sunday talking with Fox News. Not too shabby! “Fox News Sunday” — Former Sen. Tom Daschle, D-S.D.; Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter; Hadley; Olympic speedskater Joey Cheek; Alex Ovechkin, left wing player for the Washington Capitals hockey team. Give the Face the …
Sunday Show Preview
Meet the Press: Republican strategists Mary Matalin and Mike Murphy and, Democratic strategists James Carville and Bob Shrum Face the Nation: New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, Sen. Chris Dodd and Sen. Evan Bayh. This Week: New York Times’ David Brooks, Republican strategist Matthew Dowd, Democratic strategist Donna Brazile and …
Playground Politics
NY Times: Romney Leads in Ill Will Among G.O.P. Candidates “John McCain and his friends used to beat up Mitt Romney at recess,” Dan Schnur said. Kevin Madden, said, “I think it’s largely driven by the fact that everybody’s taught to tackle the guy on the field with the ball.”