Posts Tagged
John Harris

NPF Rings in Forty Years of Success
The National Press Foundation celebrated forty years of distinguished journalism last week, but the annual awards dinner was far from dated. Held for the first time in the Marriott Marquee of Downtown DC, the new venue was a big hit. FamousDC welcomed VIP guests, hosts, chairs, and awards winners to the …

The NPF Celebrates 40 Years of Esteemed Journalism This Thursday
The National Press Foundation will host its 40th Annual Awards Dinner this Thursday and celebrate a landmark anniversary. NPF, led by veteran journalist Sandy Johnson, has offered free professional development to journalists since 1976. Through seminars and webinars, NPF helps journalists better understand and explain the impact of public policy and …

Politico Co-Founders Will Share Vision for Future of Journalism
Politico co-founders, John Harris and Jim VandeHei will receive the Benjamin C. Bradlee Editor of the Year award at the National Press Foundation Dinner next month on Thursday, February 11. We are pleased to know that they will also be speaking to the group about their vision for the future …
The Coolest Kids in the Room
Congress is out of town … what should we talk about? How about we all talk about each other ? I heart Politico Michael Wolff: Beltway Boys But I used to hate them Gawker: Michael Wolff Used to Hate Politico I don’t heart Politico Alex Pareene: Politico is Revolutionary Says …
Don’t You Love Politics?
This country went from an expected decade of Republican majorities in the Senate and House as recent as 2004, to an expected Republican minority of 70 seats in the House…in 2008. John Harris & Josh Kraushaar: GOP Cancer: Party Could Lose 20 More Seats: Many House GOP operatives are privately …
Don’t believe everything you read
Harris and VandeHei: Why reporters get it wrong “But the instinct to be even a couple hours ahead of the story is relentless. At The Washington Post, where we both worked, exit polls in 2004 had the newsroom busy working on Why Kerry Won stories—scrapped just minutes before publication as real …