Posts Tagged
jake sherman

Friday Round Up
#GUESTEDITOR MEGAN WILSON Journalist at The Hill “They say that personnel is policy, and I’ve got a bottle of whiskey under my desk. Happy hour starts when the Roundup goes out, right?“ Weather: Near-record highs all weekend long ought to work nicely with your sunny day outfit selections and beverage pairings (read: …

Did Somebody Say Free Breakfast?
Step aside Mr. Ice Cream Man, there’s a new truck in town. This Wednesday, Thursday AND Friday, co-authors of POLITICO’s Playbook, Anna Palmer and Jake Sherman will be handing out free coffee and breakfast sandwiches all throughout DC. It’s basically like opening up your inbox to an email from Anna and Jake, but better because …

2016 FamousDC Media Ticket
FRATES-MOE LEADERSHIP IS #FML2016 Forget Trump and Hillary. We need candidates for the highest office that we can trust. Americans are looking for another way. Another path. A new avenue. New blood. New leadership. And who do we all trust more than anyone else? The media…obviously. That is why FamousDC is excited to …
Twitter Wars!!11 @LukeRussert vs. @JakeSherman
Shots fired. . @frankthorpNBC reporting that #GOP Whip Kevin McCarthy met with #Romney this AM. Highest ranking #GOP Leadership 2 meet w Mitt 2 day — Luke Russert (@LukeRussert) March 22, 2012 You work for the DMV @JakeSherman … @frankthorpNBC and I work for ‘Merica #USA — Luke Russert (@LukeRussert) …
The Never Ending Story: Congressional Work Week
Congressional Groundhog Day? Jake Sherman: Hoyer: Blame the Senate for our light workload (10/20/09) The House’s work week was first brought up last month in a POLITICO story , when Democrats justified the schedule because they said they were working hard in committees on passing a health care overhaul bill. …
Haven’t We Seen This Story Before?
Jake Sherman takes a look at a story that creeps up about once a year: how many days does the House of Representatives actually work? Give the story a read before you hear about it all day on talk radio and cable news. Jake Sherman: House: Working hard or hardly …