Posts Tagged
Huma Abedin

Slacks From Hillary
Bernie was right when he said that the American people were sick and tired of hearing about Hillary’s damn emails. I mean what is this, 1995? Who even emails anymore? Between texting, snapping and the, dare I say, old fashioned person-to-person communication, Hillz needs something a little more hip and cool to, you know, …
Washington Life’s latest Young & The Guest List Announced
Washington Life’s latest Young & The Guest List is an annual list of DC’s most influential “under 40 leaders.” Patrick Gavin at POLITICO has the latest list details: [sneak peak] Huma Abedin (senior advisor to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton), Ali Campoverdi (assistant to the White House Deputy Chief of …
MSNBC’s BLTWY Power List
There ain’t much more in this world that we enjoy more than lists – especially end of year lists containing all FamousDC folks. From Facebook to Brightest Young Things and from Wale to the Obama White House … Meet the 35 people under 35 who changed DC in 2010. 2010 …
Clinton staffer caught playing hide the “Weiner”
According to Page Six, Rep. Tony Weiner loves Hillary’s “body” woman. “REP. Anthony Weiner had a reason for accompanying Hillary Clinton to Puerto Rico over the weekend besides currying the Latino vote for a mayoral run and besides his abiding loyalty to the hapless presidential candidate: his romance with Huma …