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About That Hoverboard We Gave You…
Dear Clients, Friends, and Family, We’re sorry. That gift we gave you really wasn’t meant to harm you. We promise, we really do like and respect you, and this was not in fact a secret ploy to destroy you. You see, we figured that this was the perfect gift for …
Mary Cheh Gets All Funny on Us
The Councilwoman got her digs into DC’s local politics with her annual budget spoof letter. She proposes millions for a new class of “SuperDuperCans” that would be large enough to fit old trash receptacles inside. “The SuperDuperCans will be distributed on alternate trash days, and the old cans will certainly …
Hoverboard Exists #Gamechanger
We’ve been waiting on this for years. HOVERBOARD – NILS GUADAGNIN from nils guadagnin on Vimeo.
Barack Obama Looking At Awesome Things
Any blog featuring Obama checking out the latest in hoverboard technology is a big winner in our book. [2nd favorite blog of the day]