Posts Tagged
hill staffer

Confessions of a Capitol Hill Staffer: Networking Don’ts
If you work on Capitol Hill you see, hear, and overhear many things that the rest of the mortal world isn’t privy to. These privileged professionals that serve our US government acquire a wealth of knowledge that sometimes is just too good not to share. We’ve provided a platform on …
DC Intern Hall of Fame
Interns are a unique breed in the human world. They’re at the bottom of the food chain, yet are crucial to its everyday functioning. They graduated with honors and are some of the brightest young minds in the industry, yet their hardest task of the day might be juggling 16 …
You Looked Up Ben Dunham’s Facebook Page
Be honest, we know you searched him on Facebook. If our tip box is a reliable source, most of DC was trying to figure out what Ben Dunham looks like. And the Politico Click article about a hill staffer hooking up with Mad Men’s January Jones was flying all over …