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Take A Hike… If You Want to Find Hillary
While Donald Trump is spending his days surrounded by his transition team, occasionally locking himself in a closet to retweet takes on the media from 16-year-olds, Hillary Clinton is… in the woods? Besides her only public appearance at the Children’s Defense Fund’s Gala, Hillary has kept a low profile in …
Let’s Not Go Hiking This Time [Sanford Reunites With Love]
Gov. Mark Sanford on his personal life: [rendezvous] “As a matter of record, everybody in this room knows exactly who I was with over the weekend,” Sanford told reporters during a press conference. “That is no mystery to anybody given what I said last summer. And you know the purpose …
Note: She Said “Yes” Before Being Airlifted
This is why you never ask for anybody’s hand in marriage while hiking a path called Billy Goat Trail. It began as a romantic hike, and ended with a helicopter rescue after one of the hikers fell and was injured, just moments after she accepted a marriage proposal. [Potomac River] …
Mark Sanford Found — John Kerry Still Missing
Gov. Mark Sanford is set return to his office tomorrow following widespread panic over his whereabouts. [hiking boots] As for Sen. John Kerry – he hasn’t been heard from since 2004. Update: Wikipedia on top of the "absence" like CNN on Twitter. UPDATE: A reader reminds us that we’re morons …