Posts Tagged

Matt Lira Moves Back to D.C.
We said it in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, and in the title of this post, but we’ll say it again. Matt Lira is awesome. Today is his first day back on the Hill via Harvard. He has taken a position with Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s office. Ya dig?
Marc Ambinder Explains How Mark Halperin Changed the Game
They Changed the Game, All Aright
WaPo Print Still Read on Air Force One
Time: Behind-the-Scenes-Photos : Obama’s 100 Days h/t – Nieman Lab
Obama Presser: You Make the Call
Who says the media can’t be trusted? Chris Cillizza : "his introductory remarks came across as shaky and uncertain" A Slow Start: Obama is an expert at reading off a teleprompter without it appearing as though he is reading off a telemprompter. But, tonight he struggled badly. His gaze was …
FamousDC is Harvard Smart
Earlier we posted a flattering picture of McFrankenstein, then a bit later, Marc Ambinder, a Harvard graduate and National Journal associate editor, posted the same thing. In our opinion, that makes us wicked smart.