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Famous Five – Emily Miller
She may look all cute and petite, but don’t let that fool you. The girl’s got guns – literally. Emily Miller is an unapologetic journalist and author of Emily Gets Her Gun, which chronicles her attempt (and eventual success) at obtaining a legally registered gun in DC, only after being a victim …
Famous Friday [Round Up]
If a rainbow shows up in DC and wasn’t Instagrammed 12,000 times – did it really happen? #NATIONAL Do you love dogs and weapons? Then the TSA’s Instagram is for you; Emmy nominations: who got robbed?; If soccer injuries were real life; we’re irrationally peeved about this guy and his …
Hyper Hill: Fall Back
16 year olds are voting now [Bieber for Prez] Audio equipment discovers almost 40k [gun incidents in DC] Andrew Sullivan on his way back to DC [The Dish] Furlough affected cats are sad and [homeless] Absolutely no Old Post Office strip clubs, dentists, pawn shops, bail bondsmen, tattoo parlors, blood …
Please Release Me: This Seems Logical
We started “Please Release Me ” to point out zany press releases that show up in our tipster mailbox . We’ve seen good, bad and really bad releases. This one gets filed under: “Wait, You’re Telling Us That’s NOT Illegal??” Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), Chair of the House Judiciary Subcommittee …
Closing Bell: Gilbert Arenas, Washington Post Op-Ed Contributor
Gilbert Arenas recently penned an op-ed for The Washington Post in which he admits that he previously sucked as a role model. I have done a number of things wrong recently. He then goes on to list about 234 things. Share it with other pissed off Wizard fans.
Changing Arenas? Wizards Star Charged With Felony
Will his new uniform be orange? The Washington Post: Wizards’ Arenas charged with felony Wizards guard Gilbert Arenas is charged with carrying a pistol without a license outside a home or business.
Wilbon: Washington Wizards Are Done
WaPo’s Michael Wilbon: Wizards should clean house after Arenas’s dispute with Crittenton
Doug Heye Ain’t Scared of Chicks Who Rob People With Guns
No, seriously … he’s way more brave than we’d ever be. Who knew Heye was a hero? [saves the day]
UPDATE: [Video added] Only In The Midwest: Who Doesn’t Need an AK-47?
UPDATE: CNN producers loved this story so much, they lined up an interview with Max Motor owner Mark Muller. Some of our favorite lines from the interview: “The only 9-11 call I need is chambering a round.” “You don’t have a problem with God do you?” When asked, “what would …
Fully Loaded
The man walking around Capitol Hill Friday with a shotgun found himself in court today. [shocker] From Roll Call: [paid subscription] Michael Gorbey, the man who police say was armed with a shotgun and other weapons while walking the streets near the Capitol on Friday, is scheduled to appear before …