Posts Tagged
Gerrit Lansing

Lawmakers And Lobbyists Duke It Out On The Ice
It’s that glorious time of year when lawmakers and lobbyists bring their rivalry to the ice at the annual Congressional Hockey Challenge. Though the charity-driven game is all in fun, tensions are sure to run high when dueling teams step into the rink. NHL celebrities are known to make an …
Famous Friday [Round Up]
The media guide to protestors, Don Seymour is mostly happy he has a lawn, Emily Miller dubbed Twitter King by TBD, GoRemy is back, Mindy Finn declared she’s not with a horse, Rick Klein is BFF’s with Dale Murphy, Jen Crider hearts Cutler, DC top 5 wine bars, The demand …
Hockey Brings People Together
Most everyone in DC loves the CAPS, but did you know that hockey can also tear down partisan lines? John Kerry, a former Democratic candidate for President, and Gerrit Lansing, a former Heritage Foundation blogger, celebrate together: