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Alex Finland
Meet Alex Finland. He just launched Driver Eight Media: a boutique firm focused on booking clients on broadcast and cable television. In his free time, he is a father, a husband and longtime Georgia Bulldogs fan. He agreed to spend five minutes with us for a Famous interview. 1. Congratulations …
Rebranding America: New Flags for Every State
The folks over at NJI Media redesigned every state flag in America at, for Flag Day tomorrow. They weighed the history of the state with each state’s current flag and came up with interesting ways to represent local flavor. We’re impressed. Here are a few of our favorites: Arkansas …
Nationals Owned by The Braves?
We want to be mad about this. But somehow, we can’t be. On the franchise’s Wikipedia page, owner has been changed to Atlanta Braves, a tongue-in-cheek nod to the fact that the Braves have won five of six games against the National League East rivals and 18 of the last …
Johnny Isakson Tackles Justin Bieber at DC Airport
Ole Johnny ain’t a Belieber. “I’m Too Old for This Justin Bieber Crap” – Sen. Johnny Isakson
Late night bottle service with Tom Price and Justin Timberlake?
Nah. We don’t see that happening. But if you want to kick it with TP and JT, your prayers have been answered! As part of a fundraising effort, you can attend Justin Timberlake’s February 24th concert at the Verizon Center with none other than Rep. Tom Price (GA). You don’t …
Please Release Me: First-Ever Wedding at Titanic Museum Attraction in Tennessee
This press release showed up in our inbox: First-Ever Wedding at Titanic Museum Attraction in Tennessee KNOXVILLE, Tennessee – June 28, 2010 – The new Titanic Museum Attraction in Pigeon Forge, Tenn. had its first-ever wedding last Friday morning when Casey Hollon and Kevin Foster, both of Savannah, Ga., tied …
SNL Loses Masters Privileges
We doubt Tina Fey will ever spend the weekend in Augusta after the board reviews this clip, but it was damn funny.
How FamousDC and Fark Saved Thousands of Lives
Wednesday morning = FamousDC warns the world about Guam tipping over Wednesday afternoon = Fark sounds the Drew Curtis alarm Thursday = CBS News signals the masses Aren’t the Internets fun?
Breaking News: Guam is a Small Island and the World is Not Flat
This video is amazing. AMAZING. It gets really good at the 1:25 mark when Congressman Hank Johnson articulates his fear about the island of Guam becoming so “overly populated that it would actually tip-over and capsize.” Seriously. Watch this video. Note: The island of Guam is 30 miles (48 km) …
Famously Pictured: “Don’t tell Michelle”
Days after he announced to the nation that he had high cholesterol, President Obama enjoyed a heart healthy meal. [fried chicken] The only thing missing from his meal — Lipitor.
Really Really Excellent Journalists
Politico’s John Bresnahan used his Monday column to take a few shots at Human Events and Jeb Babbin: The really, really excellent “journalists” at Human Events have just found out that Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) will testify tomorrow before the select committee investigating last August’s “stolen vote” on the …
Prominent Dem doesn’t like food fights
Former Sen. Max Cleland (D-GA) On the Democrat Primary: Cleland: “I think it narrows it down obviously to the food fight going on between Obama and Hillary. I mean it’s ugly man. And I think the longer it continues, the deeper hole Democrats dig.” (WSB-ABC Atlanta‘s “Channel 2 Action News,” …